Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The sound of snow

Yes, snow does make a sound in N. Michigan. I awoke this morning a little before 5 to the sound of the snowplow. The first thing you hear is the big sound of the dropping of the plow blade right next to the house. Then there is the sound of scraping across the driveway. This sound is repeated several times until you are sure that you are awake. I tried to get back to sleep but the day ahead of me kept coming into my conscious so I decided that must be a message to get up. The house is silent and the coffee is good. It does feel good to be back in our own space. BUT when Bud and I climbed into bed last night it did seem strange too. We have been gone for more than a month and it seems like we were in another world for that time. It is a strange feeling, kind of like we lost some time. In a way we did lose some "Michigan time" but gained "world time". I'm not sure that makes much sense but we have this experience that we share with each other and a bunch of other people from all around the U.S. It is a bit like having "another life" for a short time. I like the feeling of being back in my 'Michigan life' but am a little nostalgic for that other life. Confusing?

We had perfect connections from Miami yesterday. We had a long layover in Detroit and an on time connection to TC. Walt picked us up and OUR LUGGAGE ARRIVED WITH US. I am always excited when my luggage arrives with me. It's the little things in life that make me happy.

On the way home from the airport I was struck by the CHRISTMAS decorations. We didn't see very many decorations in S. America. Now, they did have some out but not like here where everyone decorates their houses and the shopping need is obvious. I am kind of glad that we missed that. I did most of my shopping before I left but will need to get the last minute things in the next few days.

Like I said we have snow on the ground here. I guess they had quite a storm last week. I will need to get in the winter driving groove. We have snow in the forecast for the next few days and the temps are cold.

I left my "fall/Thanksgiving" decorations out here at the house. I'm not sure that I will put out many Christmas decorations this year. It will depend on how much time I have and how inspired I become. We will get our tree up as soon as possible but that will take a bit of time. Christmas will just be low key for us this year.

It was great to hear voices the past few days. I have been catching up slowly and will continue to make contact. Thanks for following along with our adventure. It sure beats working.

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