Monday, January 17, 2011


 I am nostalgic for that wonderful sounding phrase.  For those of you that are under 40, that is what they used to say when you drove into a gas station.  First you would drive up to the pump and then "WIND DOWN" your window (YES, I did say wind it down.  That was the days before electric windows too.) You, the customer, would stay in your nice warm car while the attendant filled up your gas tank and washed your windows.  This job was the source of employment for many a young man, maybe their first job.  (I don't ever remember a young girl having this job though so maybe times weren't so idealistic.)  It is COLD here with a north wind blowing off the water so buying gas is a cold experience and I just had to complain. 

This little theme takes me to a rather philosophical level though and I just couldn't pass it up.  Wouldn't it be nice if we as humans were more adept at 'winding down our window' and asking for someone to 'fill-r-up'????? 


  1. If you found yourself in cold New Jersey instead of cold an old ass could wind down your window this very day and say, "fill r up"....which just doesn't sound worth the trouble...cold is cold.

    roll down the window on a hot sultry night ANYWHERE and say "fill r up" to a hot sultry young person would be totally worth the trouble...maybe we should all move closer to the border.....on your mark, get set....

  2. Della,

    Maybe you want to live in Oregon in the winter where it's warmer and where it's the law to let others pump your gas, it's an employment program as I understand it.

    Stay warm.


  3. Do you know that Sting song fill er up? if one evaluates too closely it can be cheesy, but I can't help, but sing along! It's the spirit that counts.
