The weekend started early for Bud. Friday was a perfect day to take the ice boat out on a nearby lake. Since he is trying to work less and have more fun, he took the opportunity to take the day off from work and enjoy the ice with some friends from the Ice Yacht Club. I headed off to volunteer at the school and he headed off to Crystal Lake with his boat.
As you can see the ice is pretty smooth. There were a few rough spots but mostly they had smooth sailing. It was cold though so everyone had to bundle up. The orange thing you see on the left side of the picture is a cone used to mark a course. Here we have a close up of Bud getting ready to sail. The orange thing you see around his neck is an inflatable life jacket so you can stay above water and hope someone gets to you before hypothermia sets in. They sail in groups so it is pretty safe.
Just another view of the group.
And another view of Bud.
Saturday we headed down to Coleman to celebrate Leo's birthday. I took vegetable soup, bread, crackers and cheese for lunch.
Eva and I insisted on a few pictures. We are VERY thankful for a chance to get together. It has been 2 years since Leo began his treatments and we are thankful that he continues to be cancer free.
I wouldn't let this opportunity of having Eva as a captive to take one of my 2 remaining boxes from the farm down to go over. Mom had many photo albums of family and travels over the years. We sorted through all the photo albums and made some piles for other family members. If you (family) get an envelope of pictures in the mail, you are responsible to do what you wish with them. They are out of MY house and there is only ONE more box in my closet downstairs. That box is filled with really old pictures of the family and little remembrances. I don't know how we will go through them. Maybe when Glen comes next time I will "trap" him and make him go through them with us.
Leo did look at them a little but left the job mostly to us girls.
I did take a birthday cake and candles. You only turn 59 once.
I bought him this display case for his shot glass collection. I didn't even know he had a collection until some time this fall when he mentioned his collection and wondered where he could find a display case for his house. WELL, never missing an opportunity to find the perfect gift, I stored that information and found one for him. His comment was, "I can't ever mention something I am looking for around you" and he is right.
He also told me he needed a matched set of glasses SO, I passed that information on to Eva and now he does. Bud and I stayed the night in Coleman. (Eva had to go home not because I made her work on the pictures) We decided to extend the celebration and take him out to dinner and a movie. We joined the millions of people who saw the movie American Sniper. It was either that movie of Selma and I thought the boys would rather see American Sniper. It was a good movie or as good as a movie can be about that topic.
SO, fun and celebrations!!! We do managed to pass the time here. LOVE spending time with family even if I do make them sort and clean out pictures.