About 4,600 more or less miles, we are back home. What an epic journey.
The lady in the middle is Margaret, Uncle Tom's friend. She and Tom are both widows and great companions. She is a real gem and took great care of Tom while he was recovering. Myla is Warren's wife. We had a great afternoon of talking and catching up and then a terrific dinner together with Tom's daughter. We had to leave them behind and head north so that we could reach our next destination on time.
Our goal was to drive all day the next day and reach Cape Cod by dinner time. We did manage that task. We arrived in time to join the 'tribe' for dinner. Around the table are Jessica (Tina's daughter) a friend staying for the weekend, Dikki, Tina, Lara, Erik, (my empty spot) Bud, and Sara. Leo was at class and Anthony, Jessica's husband and two children were out for the evening. It was a great meal and a chance to spend time with the 'tribe."
Saturday there was a seminar at the house which included Jessica, Sara, Tina, and Dikki and the houseguest so Erik, Lara, Bud and I were in charge of the twins. We went for a nice walk and did a pretty good job of entertaining the twins or maybe they did a good job of entertaining us.
Since they had a full house at the Cape, Bud and I rented a room at a nearby hotel that had poolside rooms. This SO reminded us of the great times we had many years ago when we would go to Grand Rapids and do the same with Eva and David and all the kids. It is always a fun time to sit around the pool and eat pizza. Isak really took to the water quickly with Dad at his side.
Sofi was a little slower entering the pool area but still loved it.
She and Mom had fun together. We also invited Jessica, Anthony and their kids to join us. It was a great evening and a good chance for the twins to get accustomed to the water since they are going to take swimming classes soon.
Sunday was also a fantastic and exciting day. Wellfleet was have a very family friendly celebration called 'Touch the Truck". What a great idea. All the area BIG truck owners brought their BIG equipment to the parking lot and families could bring their children to climb all over the equipment. We had a great time and it was special to spend it with the twins.
Of course Isak loved climbing over everything and 'driving' all kinds of trucks.
Sofi had a great time too,
Anything BIG with a steering wheel is a hit with Isak.
Sofi had fun too.
They were giving away "hard hats" and what a great surprise that they had a pink one for Sofi. Pink is her new favorite color.
He looks pretty great too.
Sunday afternoon we took off heading home, hoping to get a few miles down the road on the final part of our trip. Monday we spent the whole day on the road and spent the night in Port Huron, tired from all those miles we had traveled.
Tuesday morning we headed north, stopping in Burch Run to buy some new spring clothes for me.
Finally we stopped in Coleman to drop off a treat for Leo. He wasn't home when we arrived but there was clear evidence that he has been working this spring. He has begun to clear out his pole barn. He has quite a collection of equipment, some working and some just in parts. I told him he needs to put a sign on the end of his road and have people come down and 'make an offer' for some of this stuff. It would save him hauling it to the dump and maybe give him space to park in this garage in the winter, I am sure he won't take my advice. One person's junk is another person's treasures. I am sure that he would feel the same way about my 'stash' in my sewing room.
He has been working on the 'lawn' area round his house and almost has it all leveled out, ready for some grass this summer. It is looking good and so is he.
My final stop was at Mom and Dad's graves to clear off the old wreath. I didn't have the new one to put on so will need to go back before Memorial Day and put one on.
SO, there you have it. All those miles on our trip. We had a wonderful time but decided that we won't do it again. It was just too many miles to travel and too much time on the road even though we broke it up with many stops to see family and friends.
Glad to be home and VERY glad to have spent time with so many wonderful people.