We Americans, humans, women, members of the Lewis family, etc. all seem to lack an ability to take time to measure our 'wealth' in this world. I decided to list just a few of them. If I missed you in this post it isn't because I am not thankful for your life but because I am composing this at my computer and am not always able to remember all my blessings and blessed people in my life.
- I should start with my parents who raised me in a way that enabled me to go out into the world and seek my fortune and become ME.
- That one was pretty 'heavy' as we would say in the 60's but not all of them will be so 'deep'
- My youngest brother is cancer free after yet another scan
- My husband is the most wonderful man for me. He has allowed me to blossom as a woman and I am thankful daily for his love and companionship. (Maybe I should have put that one before the one about my brother but once again, I am just composing as things pop into my head.
- The sun is shining today even though it is below zero outside. I have a warm house to shelter me from the cold.
- My TN nephew, niece and their children survived the ice storms and were able to keep electric power the whole time.
- My niece, nephew, and babies still have a sense of humor out on Cape Cod even though they are being dumped on by snow almost every other day.
- My niece, her husband and cute little baby in Grand Rapids are precious to my heart. I am a sucker for little babies that smile ALL the time.
- BOOKS!!!! I had a rough patch of finding good books right after Christmas and then Diana recommended the book Zippy and the follow up book of She Got up Off the Couch. That broke my curse and I am just finishing All the Light You Cannot See. I don't want it to end because I will have to find a new book after that and even though I have a stack of them I'm not sure the next one will measure up.
- Tomorrow our friendly builder will come to our house and remove that LARGE tub in our bathroom, the one that we never use and is too big for our hot water heater and we can't fill it anyway. I think the last people to use it were Sara and Jessica, in their bathing suits many years ago. Since then it has just collected dust and I hate cleaning it out. I will send pictures of that remodel.
OK, I am rambling on and on and on now and that book is calling to me. I only have a few pages left to read and want to finish it before The View.
Remember to be thankful for something today, even if it is small like that Latte' you get at the coffee shop.