I thought I would type out a post while waiting for Super Bowl Sunday party time to begin since it has almost been a week between postings.
Weather Report: (remember that I always start with the weather if I can't think of anything) It has been snowing here EVERY day. The world is white outside my window with a little gray for color. Fortunately that isn't my mood. Also fortunately it isn't as cold as Glen said it was in N. Dakota. I think he said that it was -16 degrees there and that is the reason that N. Dakota is sparely populated except for all those oil field workers. Those people that live in N. Dakota are a special breed of people. If we ever need to learn survival tactics, we can ask Glen and Penny to give us help but I won't want to move there to get that help.
Movie review: Last night we went to see Django Unchained. It is up for an Academy Award and we try to see as many of the nominated movies as possible. It was a good movie and very well acted but a little too much 'on screen' killing for me. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone that has trouble watching violence on the screen. I did have to look away one time when they had these dogs kill and eat this man while he was alive so that was the worst scene but of course it is a movie about the violence of SLAVERY and that practice has never been a kind and caring part of any society, let alone our own recent past OR if you really want to think about it, still part of everyday life for people all over the world and even for some people here in our blessed country.
Projects: I just finished 2 photo books from the last two years. I am now caught up with my own personal photo books but of course I have many more books that I could make. I have the last 3 houseboat picture books to make so after the wedding I will get the pictures from Jessica and start on them. It is a tedious process but I am back in the groove and that is part of the process. The 'relearning' curve is a little high if you wait too long.
Quilting: NOW I am free to get back in my sewing room and start some more projects. I have some baby projects waiting for me so that will probably be next. My sewing machine has been neglected while working on those photo books.
School/volunteering: I am back into the routine of going to Kingsley twice a week to volunteer in the 3rd grade classrooms. It is always good to see them and catch up on their family and school activities but I NEVER regret that move to retire. The challenges of teaching have become harder and harder just within the last 4 years as class sizes have increased and wages have gone down due to more money being taken from paychecks for health care and retirement. I always hear from the teachers that I retired at the right time.
Well, well, well, I guess I did have something to say (when did you ever know me to not have something to say anyway) The Super Bowl party is starting soon. I hope you have a good upcoming week. And in the words of SOME actor "I'll be back"
SO, just a Monday morning postscript. I was listening to NPR this morning and they were talking about the 'blackout' at the game last night. I didn't even know it happened. The girls were playing Mexican Train right in the same room and didn't even know there was a 34 minute blackout in the game. It really did surprise me but we did have fun playing Mexican Train.
I can't do Tarantino, so I'll have to take your word for it. As far as the weather, we appreciate the snow you sent down Saturday and would like some more soon. Thanks.