Sunday, April 28, 2013

Little to say so will say little.

Last Sunday we had dinner with the Nobles.  It had been a while since we had talked and wanted to find out about their trip to Latvia and Estonia over Easter Break.  They went with Charlotte's school choir and performed in several towns.  It sounded like a wonderful trip.  

Wednesday Leo came up to visit us and spend the night.  He was looking to get out of Clare for a short time and we are a short drive north for him.  I served him some home cooked meals and did my best to entertain him while he was here.  He did let me take his picture here although he did protest a bit since he really doesn't like to have his picture taken right now.  I am going down on Tuesday for the LAST time and spending a couple of nights.  Well, not the last time but you know what I mean.  he will be thankful when this is all over.  I am thankful that I have been available to help him and thankful that it is almost over.  Now we will just wait.  

SO, that is all for now, I tried to say a  little but not too little.  


  1. We are also glad you are available! He looks great! Like a champ!

  2. He looks like a weather worn fighter, tough!

    Looking good.

