If you have been following our diets these last few months you may know (and possibly not care but it IS my blog) that Bud and I have been on a SERIOUS diet. It involved a high protein low carbohydrate plan that was difficult for me (I whined a lot) and easier for Bud but it worked. He has lost almost 30 pounds and looks as thin as I have seen him in a long time. I lost 23 pounds and am back to where I was about 4 years ago when I lost the same weight on Weight Watchers before we took our big cruise. This time I am planning to keep it off as is Bud. Anyway, we have transitioned into the 3rd phase of this diet. We just came off phase 2 where we just added lunch of real food instead of a protein shake. This phase is suppose to 'reset' our metabolism by introducing carbs at breakfast. We were both looking forward to having a great breakfast. I have been craving toast for quite a while, just needing some carbs and some variety in my breakfast. The whole idea of a BIG breakfast is to introduce carbs in the morning and letting your body become accustomed to insulin again but not storing the fat. It is kind of complicated but the information they give us to read sounds 'logical' and I am just 'going with the plan', hoping it works.
SO..... all this introduction and probably more information than you really wanted to know, just to set up this picture of my delicious and VERY ample breakfast.
My first 'real' breakfast was from their plan which included 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, 2 slices of wholewheat toast with butter and a cup of fresh strawberries. Believe me, it was great. We will be eating like this for the next 2 weeks and then we go on the final phase of trying to maintain our weight loss. I don't know a lot about the final phase but am hopping that it doesn't include a BIG breakfast like this all the time. Even though this looks great now, I could become tired of this much food on a regular basis. I have heard that Phase 4 includes eating 'sensible' meals for 6 days and a 7th day of 'splurging' with any treat that you wish. The idea behind the day of 'splurge' is that it is better to have a day off the diet than to add a splurge every day. The every day ice cream cone is more dangerous than a one day splurge. That is all I really know about Phase 4, right now I am just enjoying my lovely breakfast.
I hope you enjoy your long Memorial Day weekend. Bud will be taking off all 3 days so maybe we will get out and do something like go on a bike ride. He is hoping to plan a motorcycle ride with some friends. The lawn also needs to be mowing and I need to do some weeding in my little garden beside the driveway so it will be a mixture of chores and fun. The boat isn't in the water yet but it is probably too cold to be out on the water, the temps are only in the high 50's around here and a possible frost is in the forecast. (Dad always said that you shouldn't put in your tomatoes until after Memorial Day anyway so this is probably just a normal spring. I'm not planning to put in any tomatoes but will look around for some flowers to plant.) I haven't heard if Leo is planning to come up. I invited him several times and he has traditionally helped me plant my flowers so I am still hopeful.
Happy Memorial Day to everyone. I already did my duty by putting the wreath on the grave in Coleman so I am free to relax and enjoy the weekend.
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