Friday, June 28, 2013

Houseboat 2013

OK,OK,  this is a difficult posting but it is a random selection of our houseboat pictures because the numbers on the photos that I have in my camera do NOT correspond with the numbers that come up on the computer and just when I thought I had a system figured out it didn't work any more AND I am getting tired of trying to figure it out.  Just go with it and enjoy.  

Our trip to KY is started with a stop in Glasgow at our favorite Mexican place and a drink.  This year it was just Eva, Bud and Me that stayed in Glasgow for the night.
We went to Wal-Mart and loaded up.
The car was full.  We usually have Leo along to take some of the groceries but he was in Louisville picking up Josh so we had to do it on our own. 

Our first meal was at the dock while waiting for Josh and Leo to arrive.

It was worth the wait to have father and son together again.  Josh has missed the last two years but did make it this year.  We were all glad to see him but especially Leo.

The handsome guy is getting older.
Birthdays were celebrated our first night.

Saturday morning was B. birthday so Gram put candles in her French toast for breakfast even though we had birthday 'Death by Chocolate' the night before.  

The water toys were fantastic this year with an addition of the stand up canoe.  Even Eva tried it out but I just can't find that picture.  Matt did a head stand but once again I can't find that number.  Just trust me.  Maybe I will figure out the sequence and try again at another time.

Doug was the designated climber.  He said that Matt always leaves his climbing shoes behind so that Doug has to do all the climbing to tie up.

We ate well. This is Eva's flank steak dinner.  Every meal was fantastic.

The talking and laughing was a great part of the trip.  We also played Mexican Train every night and it was a great time.  Lots of joking and laughing.

 Ok, now things get a little 'hinky' from here on.  Sorry but I am too frustrated to try to figure it out.  H, came home with us and spent a couple of nights here.  We went out sailing and I delivered here back to Gram on Wednesday night.  We met in Big Rapids for the 'transfer.
 While she was here we did a cute sewing project.  I have cute pictures that will try to share later and we also went sailing for the evening.  A beautiful evening sail on the bay.
 I'm not sure when this picture was taken but they all sure look cute and I think maybe I already showed this picture.
 After the houseboat trip we stopped for a picnic and then Leo and Josh took off for the day.  They had a overnight in Louisville but were stopping in Mamouth Cave area to take a tour of the caves.  I heard they had fun.  It was great that they had some time together, just the two of them, like old times.
 On the way home we stopped for dinner

 Here is our last picnic at the park.  It was a wonderful trip this year.
 Doug's first year as an official family member.  We are planning to keep him.
 Jessica took pictures of the grandchildren for Gram.  I could only find these two and gave up.  They look great.

 LOTS of flip flops were a part of the birthday gifts.
Finally, us three wonderful woman.  I don't know where Diana was when we took this picture but I think she was packing up the family.

It was another wonderful year for our family and I will try to sort out the pictures later and put on some more.  Just too confusing for me this afternoon.

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