Thursday, December 5, 2013


 first of all, no caps will occur in this post since holding down the 'caps' button and typing is almost impossible.  it takes all my 'hunt and peck' skills to type this post but i am sure my audience will forgive me.  (ok i know there is a VERY limited audience but this does give me something to do)

sunday bud and i went to coleman for the lewis family christmas gathering.  i used this as an opportunity to put the christmas wreath on mom and dad's graves. bud picked out this beautiful wreath.  i think it looks great.  my daughterly duty was accomplished for another season,
 the family gathering was sparsely attended but every family had someone represented.  this is a gathering of my dad's family from his generation down.

 these two pictures are of my generation that was in attendance,  11 out of 24 i think.  this is the second year i have attended with a cast.  not a good record for me.
 aunt florence is the oldest one still around and VERY active and healthy.  uncle vernell is next in birth order but for the first time in many years he didn't attend.  he hasn't been feeling very well lately.  he has some heart blockages and he decided that he didn't want to undergo open heart surgery.
 the 2 'gems' of the family, aunt kathleen is the youngest and she walks 2 miles
every day.
aunt mary, uncle elmer's wife, was there too.  a year ago was the last time i saw uncle elmer.

SO, the gifts of family.  that strong lewis love has made me a blessed woman and i am VERY THANKFUL.

my other gift i have received this week may require some of that strength.  i went to my doctor about my arm on tuesday and it ISN'T healing straight. friday i am going in for surgery to have a plate and pins inserted so it will heal in the correct position.  this will stabalize the boned and make it heal more quickly so that is positive.  wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. This member of your audience forgives you. Extended, large families are a blessing. Plus, they're SO big you don't need a good excuse to stay on the other side of the rooms from certain ones: ) I speak of my own family, of course. I'm sure all of the Lewises are delightful.

