Saturday, November 30, 2013

Help,I've fallen and I can't get up

you may not believe it but once again I am disabled but this time with a broken arm, just above my wrist.typing with my left hand is difficult so this should be a post of a few words and maybe more pictures than you may may to see but I finally got them uploaded and am exhausted and my arm hurts.  maybe a rest is in order before going on
 well, back at it.  Tuesday started out as a great day.  I taught a class at my quilt group.  Everyone seemed to enjoy their little 'art quilt' activity.
 just a couple of the projects by my fellow quilters.
When I got home I really was not in  the mood to go on my walk but it is a new commitment to cardio and weight loss sent me out for my walk anyway.  I was almost home when I went down.  when I got home and took off my glove I decided that it was broken so I called Bud and he took me to ER where they confirmed the break, put me out to set it and sent me home with good drugs.
 My friend Kathy said I shouldn't put this pic on the blog but I decided to do it anyway,  I know I look kind of mad but probably just at Bud for taking it.  SO,  I go and post it as proof I am trying to get fit.
I couldn't miss my haircut so Bud drove me to my appointment with Mary and came back later to pick me up.  What a man.  If you are going to have broken bones that require dependence it is important to marry well.  I an always glad I found the right man.
 Thursday we got help loading furniture to take to Leo.

The strong Noble boys loaded the trailer for us.

 Bud decided to learn how to bake cookies from scratch.  They were delicious.
 We took them over to the Nobles as a football game snack.

The family and friends gathered around the table, thankful for good food and family,

 Saturday we delivered Leo;s furniture.

Enough words.  The pictures speek for themselves and I am exhausted.  Any errors?  blame it on one hand pecking.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures. It looks like Leo is getting settled.

    I hope your arm heals soon!

