Esther, an aunt on my mother's side of the family, died this past week. She was married to my Uncle Amos who was my mother's oldest brother. She was 93 so she had a long life.
I don't see the cousins on that side of the family very often. We took this opportunity to take a picture.
Left to right, Leo, Me, Eva, Susan (Esther's daughter) Sharon (Uncle Roy's daughter) and Steve (Esther's son) Missing were Glen and Cindy who is Sharon's sister.It was a nice service and Mom would have been proud that 3 of her children attended. We went to the Coleman Hotel for lunch after the service.
Eva headed home because she was having 11 people for dinner but I had lots of time to help Leo spend some of his money. He has been putting some new lights in his kitchen. It has some dark corners under the counter so he has been using his electrical skills to 'brighten up' some corners. Little jobs like that are good for him. I think he likes to have someone along to consult with when he is out shopping although I don't know how good of a consultant I am when it comes to electrical equipment. I was just along for the fun of it.
Bud stayed up north on Saturday and worked on tax returns for family. He wants to get them all done before we go away on vacation. He accomplished his task but the ice went soft that day before he could get out and give it a try. He packed up his boat Saturday afternoon so that he would be ready early on Sunday. He was out on the ice by about 9:00 today. The ice was hard (a good thing) since it froze last night. There wasn't much wind at first but by about 10:00 it picked up a little bit so he called me to come over and take some pictures.Here he is about ready to go out and have some fun.
The ice was a little choppy since it froze with some ruts in it from yesterday's activities.
He starts out standing up kind of pushing with one foot to get going.
Then he sits down and hopes the wind will take him.
Finally, he lies down and off he goes.
You can see the tracks in the ice from yesterday's activities. The ice wasn't real smooth but it was good enough to get up some speed.
Off in the distance you can see some racers checking out the course. It was a little smoother farther out from shore. The were about in the middle of the bay. That is the peninsula behind them.
Bud took this shot from farther out in the bay than I walked although I did acturally walk out on the ice.
Here you can see how the ice has tracks from when it got warmer yesterday and froze with those tracks in the surface.
I took this shot and sent it out to some family.
And here I am just to prove that I walked out on the ice. It was a beautiful day. It is suppose to get up in the 40s tomorrow so it is unlikely that they will have a chance to go out again this week. I doubt that the ice will disappear while we are gone but it probably won't be good enough for any more ice boating. I am glad that he had a chance to get out this year.
SO, it was an interesting weekend. For some reason I have been watching the NCAA basketball tournaments and of course I have been disappointed that both Michigan teams failed to advance. I was hoping for a final matach between Michigan and State but no such luck.