I have been delaying a posting this week because I really don't have much to say. But here I am in front of the computer,chronicling this slow life anyway. Maybe I will do one of my old 'newsletters' that I used to send out on the weekend and update the family on everyone else. I know that with all the connections of different types most of you will have heard of some of the news but I feel compelled to write anyway so click off at any time that it gets boring.
I did some sewing and finally finished the back of this big quilt that I am making, the one with all the batik fabric and stars that I posted several weeks ago. I didn't have enough fabric for the backing to be all one color but I did have some pieces left over from other projects so this is what I did. I really did get a bit to fancy with the corners of these pieces but I was trying to give it some style. I guess that putting something on the back of a quilt is a new style, according to Jessica. I did get a little carried away with this one though. I could have just put some stripes of the two colors but I decided to go for more design. I used up all of the pinkish color, much of the brown and most of the light color around the edge. The light color was what inspired this quilt anyway. I bought it for a different quilt but when I put it with the front, it didn't look right so I went out and bought the brown fabric that is in this back and put that on the quilt as the backing. I have used up almost all of that12 yards of the light fabric so I can put that mistake behind me. It feels good to get this quilt done. I called my quilter today and will take it to her as soon as she has an opening. It will be bit, about 115"x115" so it will fit our king size bed. I have another batik quilt (the one that has the brown fabric on the back that I used instead of this light fabric) but I will trade off.
OK, OK, you have my permission to click off if I am boring you by this time.
Family updates of those that I know:
Eva went to S. Dakota last week, David's father (Henry) died a week or so ago. He was quite the man, living a long and full life. Erik came home from somewhere in Asia, Sara and Leo flew out from the Cape and the family was able to spend some time together. Erik stayed in S. Dakota for a while, hoping to do some fishing and a little R&R at the cabin. Eva came back yesterday. Sara and Leo went back on Monday.
Speaking of Sara and Leo, they are both doing well according to all the news I hear. Yesterday I heard that those 2 little babies are doing well and they know that they are having a boy and a girl. I was thrilled to hear about the little ones, see a picture and know the sex of those precious ones. Yes, I did see a picture which she sent me and you could see those little heads as clear as day. Isn't technology terrific???I am so thrilled for them.
Leo is doing his usual, working and not a whole lot else. He had a week of 12s a week ago and I hadn't talked to him in a while. I am sometimes reluctant to call him and wake him up but if you have the same fear, the best time to call him is in the evening, probably around 7:00. He is back working mid-nights. I hope to see him this weekend.
Two of Matt and Diana's girls started school this past week. I KNOW, it is hard to believe that school is starting in TN already. The oldest and youngest are staying at their same school until the house sells. The middle one is going to school at Matt's new school so she has a few more days off. Diana sent a cute picture so if you are friends with her on Facebook, check it out. If not, I am sure that she would 'friend' any family member that requests.
Well, that is all the family news that I know. Are you still here????
One last thing, we did go to a movie this past weekend. We went to see Moonrise Kingdom. It is a quirky little movie about the 60s. I was surprised that it was at the regular movie theater, not at our local independent theater. If you like quirky movies, check it out. If you don't want to spend the big bucks to go to the theater, put it on your list of movies to see. This past year the Academy Awards had a movie with Brad Pitt called The Tree of Life that both Bud and I thought was terrible. If they could nominate that movie, this one should be a 'shoe in' because this one is quirky and cleaver.
WOW, If you made it to the end, I commend you. OR, maybe you don't have much to do with your life and this filled in a couple of minutes. I hope you don't feel like you just lost a few minutes of your life, reading this posting.