The day before my birthday we meet Brittany, John and Charlotte for breakfast. Brittany and John were leaving that day to go back to Chicago so we had one more opportunity to spend time with them. It was a great breakfast. I always enjoy the time we have together. We only have a few more weeks with Charlotte before she heads off to Lawrence University. Sue and Walt were taking David to University of Virginia that weekend. He starts medical school there soon. We will miss him here but it is a great adventure for him in a whole new environment. We are looking forward to adding a stop to see him when we take our spring trip. It was nice of him to pick a place along our route.
In the afternoon we went on a 'convertible car' tour of the western side of Michigan with two other couples. It was a beautiful day with just the right temps. and no rain. It was nice to ride through the back roads and visit places I haven't been. This is an overlook of Lake Michigan.
We sure live in a beautiful part of the state. The shoreline along Lake Michigan is beautiful even on a hazy day.
Monday, my actual birthday, I received MANY text messages and calls from family. Thank you all for your birthday wishes. I went out to run some errands and when I returned these beautiful flowers were waiting for me by the door. Thank You Brittany and John. A week later they are still beautiful. I fell blessed. We did't go out to dinner on my birthday since our trip the day before included a beautiful dinner in a great little place on the west side of Michigan.
My week has been fairly quiet with my usual reading a quilting activities. I am making this beautiful and VERY colorful quilt for Sara and Leo. It is all batik fabrics and the blocks are only 6 inches square so that means I am making a lot of blocks to complete this queen size quilt. I am loving the look so far and am about half way through making the blocks. I will include a picture when I have more done.

Bud continues to try and take Fridays off this summer. He went in for about an hour this week but has been avoiding the office on Saturdays and Sundays totally. I am impressed. We used this Friday to take some friends out on the boat. This is the 5th time the boat has been away from the dock this year. That is pretty good for us. Bill was my neighbor when I lived out by Spider Lake so we have known each other for a long time. He and Joan spend the winters in Florida and are very busy when they are here in Michigan so it was nice to spend some time with them. Bill also had the boat slip next to us many years ago so he is a avid boater, although a power boater. This was the first time they had been out on the bay this summer so they were glad to be out too.
The weather was perfect. A nice wind, the temps in the 70's and the sun was shining. We were all happy. We had great sandwiches and a few grapes but most of all just a good time.
Wow, two pictures of me in one post. That is a little unusual.
Saturday we decided it was time to check out the movie selection. We decided to go up to Sutton's Bay and see the movie 'A Journey of 100 Steps" We invited some friends to go with us, had dinner on the way and thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I STRONGLY recommend this movie to everyone that loves to watch a good movie. We walked out smiling and loving the whole evening.
So there you have it, the summary of our week. We are now heading over to the Yacht Club for dinner. Today was Coast Guard Day at the club. They invited the Coast Guard to come over and enjoy the beach and water and have dinner. It is always a nice event.
I love you and hope you all had a great week. Thanks again for all the love you sent my way for this birthday. 64 seems pretty old to me but I guess I can't do anything about getting older.