We had a busy Christmas weekend.
It started at 9:00 a.m. with breakfast at the Nobles. Bud fixed french toast for the family.
We enjoyed a bood start to the day.
In the afternoon we went back over for an early dinner. A Christmas Eve tradition.
All the kids looked great as they were dressed up for church that evening. (Not that they don't look great even when they aren't dressed up for church.)
Sue, Charlotte and Brittany with Ringo. That little dog gets a lot of attention when all the kids are home.
Brittany, Sue and Jack. Again Ringo is joining in.
They bought Sue a new angel for the top of the tree. The old one was getting a bit worn out.
This was the old one. I think that Charlotte made it in school. It seems that all over America there are angels just like this with great stories behind them. This one will be stored away for Charlotte when she gets older.
Sue put the new one on the tree.
Sonja joined us for the evening.
When the family left for church Bud and I headed to Grand Rapids to spend the rest of the weekend with Eva. We arrived late that evening while they were watching a Christmas Eve movie on TV.
In the morning Eva blessed us with cinnamon rolls for breakfast. They were delicious and YES, I do think that they were better than Mom's rolls. That family has perfected a good recipe.
Jesssica and Doug spent the night so they were there when we got up.
Jessica was up early stuffing the turkey. I just relaxed and let them do all the work. That is the best way to fix a holiday meal.
While we were waiting for the turkey Leo arrived and then Eva put him and Doug to work hanging a wire sculpture on her wall. I think that you would call it a sculpture. Anyway, it looked great. It was a bit of a challenge to put it up because this space is over the downstairs steps.
Doug brought his tools and skills. The rest of us just stood by and watched.
It looks fantastic. Good job, Doug.
Dinner was finally ready. I did a little work but again Eva and Jessica did a lot of it.
The guys stood in line, ready to eat. The food was terrific.
The oldest and the youngest, ready to eat too. We were glad that the weather was good and Leo was able to drive over and share the day with us.
I was especially clumsey this weekend. I put my wine down on the crack in the dining room table and of course it spilled on the floor and OF COURSE it was red wine. Eva and Jessica did manage to get it out but it kind of paused the dinner a little early. Later I spilled a can of soda too. Holidays seem to be a clumsey time for me. I fell in TN and went in the water when we were out in canoes. I need to clean up my act or maybe quit drinking???
After our terrific meal we had presents. It was a very generous group.
Eva, being the eldest, was the 'Santa' and she enjoyed every minute of it.
Jessica and Doug left to spend the evening with Doug's family. Eva, Bud, Leo and I went to the movies and watched the show 'War Horse'. It was a good movie. The movie got out in time to come home and finish the day by watching a little football. The Packers were playing and they sure did win.
Eva and Leo managed to drift off so it really wasn't a very exciting game.
Monday morning Eva had a few more chores for the men that were visiting her. She saved up a few 'men' chores for them. Leo fixed the little chain in the fireplace screen. Later in the day Bud went with her to the tire store to help her figure out her tires and why they were so slippery after the last snow. Leo went home about noon and Bud and I were home in time to sleep in our own beds.
It was a great Christmas weekend. I spent a LOT of time with family and enjoyed every moment of it. I am very thankful for such a wonderful family and the opportunity to spend time with thm. I hope you had a great Christmas too.