Thursday, September 27, 2012

invasion of the tiny moth

Yes, you may be thinking is she desperate for topics this week?  Well not really but maybe.  We have been invaded by this tiny moth here at our house.  A month or so ago we noticed a cocoon on an item of clothing in the coat closet and had been noticing this little moth flying around the house.  It isn't a very fast moth so we had been able to kill quite a few of them.  With the discovery of the cocoon and the increase of these pesky little moths, we put two and two together and decided they must go together (Our elementary school studies of the life cycles of insects finally paid off)  We decided that the hall coat closet was the primary source so I took several coats to the dry cleaners, took all the coats out and inspected them for cocoons, put in some repellent for moths and they seemed to go away.
About the same time Bud discovered that the container of birdseed that we keep in that closet had a hole in the plastic and the moths seem to be hatching in that seed.  It was good to discover the source of the infestation and removed the seeds from that closet.  All seemed to be taken care of and we were happy.
UNTIL those pesky little moths began appearing again.  The life cycle must be about six weeks.  Last night Bud spent the evening cleaning out the closet, running the vacuum and searching for more cocoons.  We are hoping that this time around we found most of them again but will find out in about six more weeks.
Now the good news for me is that Bud bought this round of a new kind of bird seed.  I wasn't the one that infested the house with these little moths.
Wish us luck.  Those pesky little moths don't seem to be bothering our clothes and we haven't resorted to the chemical moth balls yet.
P.S.  When ever I think of the smell of moth balls I think of David.  For some reason he had moth balls in many of his things when he cleaned out his office and brought things home. SO, David, please help me with these little moths but don't use chemicals.

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