Things are really 'hopping' around here. This past week I was motivated to do some cleaning in my closet. I have hung on to my nicest work clothes, not really wanting to just throw them in a heap in the back of the Goodwill store. They are very nice pieces but they need to be out of my upstairs closet. I cleaned and found:
Six very nice wool suits, 5 blazers, 5 pleated skirts and 6 nice sweater jackets. I know that I will not wear them but don't just want to let them go for nothing. I am thinking of taking them to a consignment store. I don't know if there is much call for pleated skirts and wool suits but I am going to give it a try. SO, my closet is cleaned out but I have just moved them to the downstairs closet until I get them to a good consignment store. Baby steps. I have also just finished my latest wall hanging quilt. I picked up this pattern while I was out in Montana. I loved the pattern and I used some fabric that I already had. I think it turned out beautiful. It is about 22"x30" and quite beautiful if I must say so myself. I really like the fabric and the pattern.
If you look up close, you will see that I have graduated to adding embellishments to my quilts. The pattern recommended putting beads on this piece so I found these leaf beads to add to the fabric leaves and then there are the little yellow beads on the flowers. I also decided to try working with piping around the piece. You can see the very thin line of fabric to the right of this flower, separating it from the next fabric. Well, that is the piping. I also put some piping around the outside next to the binding. Quite clever of me, don't you think??? I really like this piece and will probably hang it in our house somewhere. I have more of this fabric so if anyone (family only) wants this piece just let me know. I am really enjoying 'art quilts' as part of my new hobby. I am working on another one that doesn't follow a pattern. My new passion is to design my own quilts.
The other project that I am excited about is Leo's house. YES,YES, YES, it IS going to happen. They have started the site work. Digging started on Monday.
The footings were poured on Tuesday. The pipe in the middle is where the water will come into the house.
The blocks arrived today. Leo has been sending me these pictures every day to keep me 'in the loop' with all the work. I have been busy here so I couldn't go down and he encouraged me to wait until some blocks were up for the foundation. The crawl space will be 5 cement blocks high and there will be a poured cement floor. The factory has started building the house but I don't have a date of delivery yet. Leo thinks the blocks will be done by the end of the week. Just in time for the snow to start falling. When he called me earlier this afternoon it was snowing there so we need to hurry. Maybe he will be in by the first of December. I sure hope so. I am planning to go down Friday afternoon. I volunteer at school on Fridays so I will just leave from school and have dinner with him. I am probably more excited then Leo but he is taking a strong interest in everything too, checking the progress every day and sending the pictures out to family. It is keeping him busy too.
So, as winter is bearing down on N. Michigan we are getting this project done. Today has been a very typical fall day for N. Michigan. When I went out earlier I saw cars with a light dusting of snow on their tops. The leaves are collecting on the lawns and the sound of leaf blowers echo through the neighborhood. That earthy smell of leaves is in the air. The sky is full of dark, dark gray clouds against the leaves but the sun is shining every now and then to light up the sky. It is hard to describe that look of fall with those gray clouds, the leaves and the sun shining but it sure is beautiful. An added bonus is an occasional rainbow because the sun is shining while it is raining or snowing. I am thankful for our wonderful view out my living room window.
Enjoy the beauty of the season and know that the next one will be colder but equally beautiful.
Yea, Uncle Leo!!
ReplyDeleteI REALLY love the poppy piece.