Cute penguins??? First of all I wanted to let you know that Bud is much better this morning. He slept very well and had breakfast. His temp is down to normal and he is 'resting' today. We have a slow day for our last day so he will watch a movie in the room and nap. The seas are MUCH more rough today so I may use some drugs to help with that myself. We are heading for the Begal Channel which will take us to our final destination tomorrow.
Yesterday we saw LOTS of penguins. Our hike in the morning took us past 4 kinds of penguins.
We are flying out some time in the afternoon tomorrow. We will arrive in Miami Sunday morning quite early and then we are spending the night there and flying out Monday morning. I hope the Michigan weather allows us to get home. I have been following the news a little bit and am aware that there has been quite a storm/blizzared in the mid-west. I am ready to be home but not quite ready for the snow. I think this will be my last post since we will be very busy tomorrow.
I have really enjoyed posting these messages and picking up your comments. I will sort through our pictures and share some of them with you when we get home.
I am looking forward to seeing many of you soon.
Much love
How fun!!! Lovin' these pictures of the penguins. It'll be fun to talk with you when we see you over Christmas about all these adventures. Prayers for safe and smooth travels back home and for Uncle Bud to feel better. Love you both, S&L&E