Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday morning funnies

OK, picture this: I was putting a 12 pack of Ruby Red Diet Squirt into the refrigerator and the container, which was open, fell out of my hands. Onto the floor several cans of soda fell and of course they hit just right so that they broke open the seal around the opening. They rolled around the floor, squirting red soda all over the place. HOW do you attempt to pick them up without getting covered with the red pop? You don't want to wait very long to think about it because the newly cleaned kitchen is being sprayed with red pop. :):) Yes, it was a funny sight. I am now off to Coleman to the Lewis family Christmas dinner. I hope my luck is good for the drive down. Leo is my date and I will take lots of pictures but none of red pop all over the floor. Sometimes you just need to act and not take pictures.

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