Yes, Yes, Yes, I know that isn't good grammar but it makes my point this week, I don't have anything to write about but that rarely keeps me from going on and on sometimes.
I am back volunteering at school as often as my schedule with Leo allows me. I try to go on Mondays and Fridays this year. Fridays I usually spend the afternoon correcting papers or going over tests with children that missed some concept. This past Friday I even taught Social Studies so that Molly could do some other work. It is always fun to do a little teaching. I am also trying to read to the class every time I go, just for about 10 minutes or so but just enjoy a book together. Jodi, the one on the left, celebrated her 40th birthday this past week. I stopped at a local bakery and took wonderful bread for them to enjoy with the soup that Molly (the one on the right) made. Of course, I couldn't indulge yet since bread ISN'T on my diet until I lose the rest of my weight. I also didn't get to have any dessert. It is so nice to join them on a regular basis and help out. It makes me feel useful and it keeps me in touch with the younger generation.
We have rain here (you can always count on me talking about he weather if I have nothing else to say) and the snow is disappearing fast. You still can't see the ground though the snow in our front yard but a few more days like this and it will appear. Right now it is foggy out. I don't think it dropped below freezing last night. I think the maple tree sap is running so spring must be coming soon.
Bud and I continue to chug along on our diets. We have both lost 14 pounds and are anxious for more to drop off so that we can start enjoying some carbs. (I am more anxious than Bud since I am the carb person in the family) It does feel good to be a little lighter but we would both like to lose at least another 15-20 pounds before summer so that we have a little cushion of weight loss.
Well, as Bugs Bunny would say th-th-th-th-that's all.
You all go on that weight loss.