My obsession/addiction lately is fabric. Sometimes I just can't resist even though I try and try. I see a beautiful piece of fabric and it just won't leave my mind. The obsession part takes over and I check it out on the Internet, see the whole collection by the one designer and then I am even MORE obsessed. I just can't let it go UNTIL, I finally give in and order the collection. This happened to me recently.
I found this piece of fabric when I started working on my latest project that I showed you on an earlier posting. I kept using it and loving the gray/tan/brown color combination of subtle colors. I then went to the Internet and entered Earth tone by Norman Wyatt Jr who is the designer. I found the other colors that are in this collection and loved them equally if not more. I kept going back to the computer checking out the designs and the collection every day, not knowing what I would use them for but still loving them, especially the one with leaves. FINALLY I gave up last night and placed my order. I am not a strong person when it comes to fabric that I love. I delayed gratification a few days but finally gave in. Is that an addiction???? I don't know but at least it won't break up my home (unless I drive us to bankruptcy with my buying but I think I don't have enough storage space for that much fabric), it won't make me fat, it doesn't hurt anyone so I guess I will just enjoy it.
If you wish to check out the whole collection go to Google earth tones by Norman Wyatt Jr. and check out the site . Do you agree with me that it is a beautiful collection???? Is anyone loving it as much as me and would like something made from it. I don't have any idea what to do with all this fabric that is coming but I could sure make it into something beautiful.
I am off to Clare this afternoon and NOT stopping at my favorite Farwell quilt shop. I have done enough damage with the fabric addiction this week.
I LOVE the fabric with the leaves and, of course, you can make me anything you want out of it: )