Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday night sailing
It was really hot here on Sunday. We decided that an evening sail would be best so after dinner we took Red Sky out for a nice evening sail.
Captain Bud enjoyed the nice breeze.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Motorcycle guys
This morning Bud rode back as far as Cadillac with Leo going the back roads. It was a good chance for him to go on a ride early in the day. I will stay home and read the morning paper. We hope to go sailing this afternoon. The weather is beautiful but the wind may be a little light.
Enjoy the beauty of the day and the last days of summer.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Molly's new baby
Yesterday I went down to the school to help Molly with some 'start up' projects. It probably was just an excuse to see that new baby and deliver some gifts but I really did get some work done.
YES, I know that when 3 week old babies smile it is just gas but this sure was a good smile. Maybe it is just the lucky lady that is holding him.
Cora came in later in the afternoon and checked out her new brother's teddy bear.
Molly is a terrific mother. I do enjoy spending time with her.
I gave Cora a little gift too. This is her 'castle' for the little finger puppets I bought for her. She is drawing a picture on her Mommy's desk.
It is hard to catch a smile on the digital camera but this was as close as I could get.
I was able to hold little Seth for quite a while so that Molly was able to do some other things in the classroom. Yesterday was the first 'teacher work day' which Molly will come in for even though she is taking the first marking period off on maternity leave. She didn't want to use her valuable sick days for these work days. Seth did come in for his afternoon feeding so I was able to babysit for a while.
It was a fun day for me. I am glad that I am not doing the 'long-term- sub' for Molly. I was asked several times but I really am NOT interested in that kind of commitment. I will go in and help the sub because she is one of my friends and that will be enough for me.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Lumberjack Bud
Friday, August 20, 2010
Construction continues
I thought you might like a little update on the construction. Kevin (Molly's husband and Cora's Dad) is our builder. He is building the footings to pour the cement. 
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Use your imagination
I decided I would make a few more baskets. I wanted to make a 'house/castle' for some little finger puppets I bought for Molly's daughter, Cora. I hadn't ever made a lid or 'roof' so here is my newest creation. 
The top comes off and you can store your treasures inside this little basket. I thought it would be kind of castle shaped with some little white beads and a cute little flower button on the top. I hope it inspires a little imagination with Cora. It is fun to make little things like this because I really use my imagination and just leftover material.
SOOO, use your imagination today and create something.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
28 years and still in love
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Molly had her baby
Molly had her baby a little over a week ago. She had a little boy whose name is Seth. I already had the quilt made but had to get busy with the teddy bear. When I was in Grand Rapids I picked up some blue corduroy fabric for the bear but when I got home I decided that I would go with the green that I found here.
I like how the teddy bear turned out. I used green like the backing of the quilt and the orange/yellow that I used for the border. I think it turned out really cute.

Here the quilt and bear are together. I will try to take it out to Molly soon. She is a busy lady, out and about already. Her husband is building our garage and says that she is doing very well. I love making these little bears for special people. I really don't know how many I have made. I remember the first ones I made were for Matt, Sara, Jess and Erik MANY years ago when they were little. Anyway, the tradition goes on.
Here the quilt and bear are together. I will try to take it out to Molly soon. She is a busy lady, out and about already. Her husband is building our garage and says that she is doing very well. I love making these little bears for special people. I really don't know how many I have made. I remember the first ones I made were for Matt, Sara, Jess and Erik MANY years ago when they were little. Anyway, the tradition goes on.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Land moving and stump removal
Yesterday the excavators came and really moved the dirt around. We had a huge stump that had to go first.
You can see how big the stump was from these pictures. It was interesting to watch them dig around the stump and try to get under it to remove it. Some of these pictures were taken from the bedroom window, above the area.

Finally, it broke free and came out. They did have to cut the top off a little before they could lift it out of the hole. We gave 6 big long logs to a friend who is going to cut them up into boards. The rest of the longer and bigger pieces of logs were taken away by the excavator to an area that they store them and then cut them up for a charity organization when someone wants firewood.
This was really a big tree and we hated to cut it down but it sure opened up our yard quite a bit. The canopy of the tree stretched over that part of the yard quite a bit. It will be interesting to see how this effects the yard and the ability to grow things other than moss. We cut down a tree right next to the driveway too. I am hoping that I will be able to plant a few flowers in that area when all the work has finished.
This is the view from the road. The garage will be the same width of the lower level of the house with the roof line not going any higher than the bottom of the upper level windows. We will repaint the house the same color and the garage will be the same color as the house. The construction site is now ready for the forms to be built for the foundation.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Eating off the land
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Quilts in the garden
Monday I went to a garden luncheon that was given by the group that sponsored my class with the big swirls that I took earlier this summer. They were announcing their upcoming classes and inviting people to bring along projects that they had completed. I took my quilt from my bed and the baby quilt that I made for Molly. I was excited about some of the quilts that I saw displayed.
I thought this quilt looked BEAUTIFUL. I liked the pinwheel look, the use of many different leftover scraps, the bright red border and the very tiny triangle extra border. I took quite a few pictures of this quilt because I think I will try it out this winter, using scraps from my 'stash'.
Those very small pinwheels in the border were fascinating. I was amazed at the skill of this quilter and how well her points match up.
This is the square. I was able to go online and find the pattern so I know that I can make this. It will be a good winter project and a fun way to use up scraps. Quilters never get rid of their small pieces of fabric because they know that they will find a use for them somewhere.
Many other quilts were hanging from the porch. It was quite a sight.

This is the finished project that one of the class members made from that class. I still haven't put mine on the black background but will get to it soon I hope.
I hope you enjoyed the look at the quilts. I will try to post something other than quilts soon so that you won't think that my whole life centers around quilting.
Monday, August 9, 2010
New quilt and decorating issues
Well, I finally finished the quilt that I was making for our bedroom. I saw a quilt like this a couple of years ago when we stopped in a craft gallery on our way home from N. Carolina. I liked it a lot but they didn't sell the pattern. SO, I thought it looked pretty easy to make and I took a lot of pictures. I recreated the quilt from those pictures. It uses a lot of Batik fabrics which I like. It took me a while to do this one because I kept getting interrupted with other projects so some of you have seen it in its unfinished form. It is now on our bed. 
However, I do now have some decorating issues to solve. Nothing in this quilt really goes with what we have in our bedroom except maybe the light blue wall behind the bed. Our headboard and bedside tables are painted an off white color. Eva and Jessica have suggested that I paint them black and maybe 'distress' them a little.
The pictures over the bed really don't go either. I don't have any ideas for that area except the beautiful pictures that Sara and Leo brought home from Sri Lanka. Maybe I will need to take a trip there and pick something out.
This is one of the bedside tables that will be painted black if you think that is appropriate.

Finally, there is a chest that is at the end of the bed. Should this be black too or should I paint it a different color and put the fabric from the back of the quilt on this top?? I can leave the top just painted too.
Finally, there is a chest that is at the end of the bed. Should this be black too or should I paint it a different color and put the fabric from the back of the quilt on this top?? I can leave the top just painted too.
I am very open for ideas so have your say and enjoy. You know that this isn't one of my favorite things to do, decorate.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Well, we are proceeding on our garage project. Thursday they took down several trees. Several smaller trees came down, one beside the driveway and a couple others near this BIG oak tree.
This professional crew is pretty fast.

Here is a picture of this 'twin' oak tree. That means that it is one tree at the base with 2 trees growing from that one spot.
A friend, Gordon (Maryanne's husband) came over to watch. He is taking the straight pieces of the tree to a sawmill to make into boards. I thought this was a great picture of 2 men with their heads tipped back watching the guys work, admiration of the talent that it takes to do this work.
They cut off all the branches and then cut down the tree. It was quite a sight to watch.

This one tree is left standing without any branches. It is ready to come down in pieces.
The trees are gone now. It really opened up that section where the garage will go. The tree was really big. The pieces on the right will go to Gordon to cut into lumber. There is a pile on the right that we really don't know what will happen to them. They are long but they have branches that were cut off and don't make as good of lumber.

You can see in this picture how big the trees really were.
The garage will go right there just beyond the tree trunk that is in the yard. You will enter from this direction. It will have 2 doors and hole Bud's toys.
Here is a picture of this 'twin' oak tree. That means that it is one tree at the base with 2 trees growing from that one spot.
You can see in this picture how big the trees really were.
The garage will go right there just beyond the tree trunk that is in the yard. You will enter from this direction. It will have 2 doors and hole Bud's toys.
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