Sunday, December 30, 2012

Weekend update

My 'Weekend Update' will not be as interesting as the Saturday Night Live' crew would write.  Sorry, I just don't have good writers or as interesting of a life so you will just have to take what I have to give.  
 Saturday was a busy day for us.  We went to lunch in Sutton's Bay with all the nieces and nephews in Michigan.  Sonja joined us too.  She had decided to stay home for Christmas Eve because the weather was a little slippery.  She is in the far back on the right side.  Next is Megan.  She just recently graduated from Grand Valley University and is enrolled in Western Michigan's masters degree program.  She only took off the Christmas break before starting right back into her college studies and then she was sick with a flu bug part of the vacation.  Next is Danielle and David.  Danielle is finishing this spring at U of M and has been admitted into the dentistry program next fall.  David is finishing his senior year at Michigan too and is waiting on his acceptance to their medical school in the fall.  I am POSITIVE they will admit him, they wouldn't pass up on such a talented and wonderful man.  Jack is in the front on that side.  He is in his second year at Michigan and is studying engineering and doing very well.  Going around the table, in front of Jack is Charlotte who is in her junior year of high school and the talented singer of that family.  Above Charlotte are John and Brittany.  John is in his final year of law school at Michigan and is joining the family in August as Brittany's husband.  Finally you have Brittany who is in her second year of medical school at Michigan.  Bud is hiding there in the back too.  WOW, what a talented bunch of kids.  It is reassuring to know that the future generation is doing great things since my social security depends on their success.  It is a good thing that Bud and I chose to have nieces and nephews instead of children.  We reap all the benefits without all the work. They are all talented AND wonderful individuals. I am proud to know all of them.
After lunch we headed to the birthday party of a 1 year old.  That is always an interesting event since the little one is pretty unaware of the importance of the event.  This little one was feeling a little 'under the weather' too so she wasn't really in the party mood too much.  Her parents and friends, us included, enjoyed the party anyway.

So, social butterflies we aren't exactly but we do try to get around a little.  Family and friends do provide us with some fun outings.
Bud has been working a lot lately, getting things done before the end of the year.  He is at the office this afternoon and he informed me that the is going to work tomorrow.  I have an appointment next week for a check up on my foot.  That will make it 9 weeks.  I am not necessarily too hopeful that it will be my freedom.  I have been told by a couple of other people that broke their foot that 23 months is a usual healing time so I am not too hopeful that I will be getting my driving privileges back just yet but am hopeful that I am on the 'home stretch' with this accident.  I am ready.  I would just like to go some place on my own and when I want to.  Bud has been terrific at taking me out when I need a bit of the outside world. and the holidays have helped but still I am ready.

No laughs unless you are laughing at me, but the Weekend Update is all I have for today. I will let you know about my possibility of 'freedom'.

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