Monday, March 22, 2010


No, I'm not going to talk about that kind of size and if it matters. I am going to talk about size in general. This posting all started with a story that I was reading in Vogue last night. A model was talking about her size and her 'curves'. A ways into the article I saw that she is 5'11" and wears a size 10. She is a "Plus Size" model???? I had to check it again and YES it did say that she is a size 10. Since when did a size 10 become a PLUS size?????? Still another article is a journal of a model that is currently very thin. She was 5'10" and weighed 110 pounds. That is the usual size for models. The average size for models is size 0 now and it used to be about a 4 or 6. It seems that the fatter society really is, the skinnier the models get. That doesn't make sense to me.

SIZE also seems to be out of touch in many other aspects of our lives. House sizes have increased over the last 50 years, so have room sizes, bathroom sizes and number of bathrooms in a house and many other aspects of our homes. I remember that my parents had one closet that contained their clothes for the season and it was pretty small. I am VERY guilty of having too many clothes. When I was a little girl going to grade school I had 2 dresses to wear to school and they lasted the whole year. I had one coat for winter and one coat for spring. I had one pair of boots and just two pairs of shoes, one for church and one for school.

SIZE has a very negative impact on our size too. The size of our dinner plates has increased as we have increased. I don't know which came first the larger plate or the larger portions. I do know that I ate out this past weekend and each time I brought home enough food for another meal. If you eat all the food provided for you, your size will increase.

Those are the few examples of SIZE AND HOW IT MATTERS that have been on my mind today.

1 comment:

  1. Big or small, bodacious or petite, flabby or firm, droopy or perky, the most important thing is HEALTHY and the second most important thing is loving your healthy self, in whatever size and shape of vessel your splendor comes in. Or loving yourself toward HEALTH if you're not already there.

    Once upon a time, I saw an older European woman walking on the beach. She had big (not firm) thighs, a really big butt, a not-firm belly or arms. She was walking in a tiny bikini, covering only the essentials. She walked like she was the sexiest thing on the beach, and.....she WAS! I wish I could have filmed would have made a great documentary clip on this very subject. What we believe about ourselves and how we feel in our own skin is SO IMPORTANT!! Transforming unhealthy thoughts is as important as transforming unhealthy eating habits (that's what I think anyway!).

    Ok I'll stop. This was a good post subject!!
