Tuesday, November 3, 2009

farmhouse picture

Well, I am still practicing how to upload pictures so I thought this one would be a good practice/memory. That is Jessica sitting on the front porch this fall when we wre there visiting the farm. That old house hold a lot of memories. Mom and Dad sat on that front porch looking out at the world. You may notice that the decorations on the front porch posts have been removed. Eva and Jessica have them now at their homes so a little bit of the farm continues through the family.
Now for the trees, we have all climbed those trees and looked out on the world from the lofty branches. That view of the world will live within each one of us even when the physical view is no longer ours.
I think there is no more beautiful place than sitting on the front porch or perched in the tree. The world is a more peaceful and quiet place from those two vantage points.
Well, Sara, how am I doing with the 'poetry' part of blogging?

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