We have been at sea for our 6th day today. I am getting a little restless here at sea. I will be VERY glad to be on land tomorrow. We had an itinary that only put us 4 days at sea to cross the Atlantic. Bud has been filling his time reading and getting massages. I think that he has the record number of massages this trip so far and is planning more. He has also been walking around the deck. He tries to walk for about 30 minutes. He has been very good at this plan. We both have been doing a lot of reading. The seas have been fairly smooth with some bumpy days. Today is a very smooth day.
Tomorrow we come to port at Salavador, Brazil. We have a full day of sight seeing on our agenda. It is mostly by bus and out walking around some. We are really looking forward to being on land again. I am glad that we have crossed the Atlantic this one time but don't think we will be signing up for it again. We did find out that the alacholic drinks are free with this trip so we have enjoyed a nice cocktail time in the evening.
I am smilin' from here to there. Lovin that kiss the fish picture....CRACKS ME UP!! Have you gotten any massages yet?? Excited for you to get to Brazil. Big hugs, Sara