A couple of weeks ago I started another quilt class with my friend Maryanne. It is called the 4 patch
Posie. You start with a fabric that has a
definite pattern repeat. This is the fabric I chose. Then you cut 4 strips of the fabric that are exactly the same repeat and stack them on top of each other, making sure that all 4 layers match exactly. Then you cut out squares through the 4 layers so that the 4 pieces that you cut are exactly the same.

Here is an example of one of the squares that I could use. Notice that they are exactly the same.

Then you put them together in the way that is pleasing to your eye. This is one possibility.

Here is another possibility.

This is still another possibility.

This is my wall of the squares that I made with my 4
pieces. Each time you cut through the 4 layers and make the smaller squares you come up with different possibilities. You can see that there are many different blocks that I made with my 4 pieces.

Today we chose the fabrics that you put around the blocks and worked on that part. I put the dark color than another light color with a different color in the middle. I will show you later how it all looks together. I'm not there yet.

This is my friend Maryanne and her squares. She chose a different fabric and is putting her squares together a bit differently in the bottom of the picture.
Amy's Creative Side: Blogger's Quilt Festival - Spring 2010
Check this out, I'm entry #263.