Friday, July 30, 2010
New baby quilt finished
Today I finished this quilt for Molly's new baby. Molly is the girl that I worked with and had lunch with a couple of weeks ago.
The pictures really don't do the quilt justice. It is much brighter in person. This is called a puzzle quilt and you can see why. It was a fun quilt to make. I will make her a green or orange teddy bear to go with the quilt.
The back of the quilt is green dotted like the border is orange dotted. If I can find some orange corduroy fabric I will make the bear orange. I made a bright quilt for Cora too. It some of the fabrics that I used for Cora's quilt are used again in this quilt which I think makes it fun. I made Cora a red teddy bear. This was fum little project. Molly is due the end of August so I will deliver the goods as soon as I get the bear done.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
New Garage and various summer ramblings
We are getting a new garage to hold Bud's various toys. If you are keeping count he now has a regular car, his sports car, an ice boat, a motorcycle and not enough space to store them or expand his toy list. We are putting a garage next to the house. You will enter it from the road when these 4-5 trees are removed. You will go straight in and the driveway will be wider.
We hired David and his friend who have a lawn/beach maintenance summer business to move the myrtle that grows very well under these trees to another spot that needs to be filled in. It took them all day so I was glad that they were doing it not me. I will keep you updated with pictures as this project progresses. It will be a 2 car garage and we will probably continue to store some things in the existing carport.
As to other ramblings, I just ate my first summer fresh tomato. It is easy to forget how luscious fresh tomatoes can be when you are eating those grocery store things that are almost tasteless. As I bit took the core out of the tomato the aroma was almost breathtaking. I love that smell of a garden fresh tomato. Now the taste was so delicious too. SO, let's celebrate summer and the fresh vegetables that you can now enjoy whether you are part of a CSA like me, grow your own in your backyard, or go to the farmer's market and find your treats. Summer is a wonderful time for fresh food. Enjoy!!!
As to other ramblings, I just ate my first summer fresh tomato. It is easy to forget how luscious fresh tomatoes can be when you are eating those grocery store things that are almost tasteless. As I bit took the core out of the tomato the aroma was almost breathtaking. I love that smell of a garden fresh tomato. Now the taste was so delicious too. SO, let's celebrate summer and the fresh vegetables that you can now enjoy whether you are part of a CSA like me, grow your own in your backyard, or go to the farmer's market and find your treats. Summer is a wonderful time for fresh food. Enjoy!!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Jury duty and Ice cream
Yesterday I had to answer my civic duty and show up for jury duty. It was just the day that they choose people for future trials. I was chosen for 2 cases (lucky me) and turned down for 1 case. The first case involves a person who bit into a piece of food and cracked his tooth. The second case involves a bar fight which resulted in charges of assault. The trials aren't until September. The case that I was not chosen was a domestic violence case. I was glad that I didn't have to rule on that case. 
This is just a picture of the court house. I am really 'into' posting pictures with my blog entries.
On a MUCH more fun level, we decided to take dinner to the Noble cottage last night so that we could have some time together before Brittany goes off to medical school. We grilled flank steak and vegetables for the family and it was delicious. I made ice cream in the morning so we had delicious homemade ice cream for dessert. This is Brittany, Charlotte and David eating ice cream with their dog Ringo. Ringo did get a few tastes too.
Brittany will leave soon for medical school at the University of Michigan. We are all very proud of her accomplishments and are looking forward to her continued success. The summer has passed way to fast for her since she really only had the month of July off but we will see her as often as her schedule will allow the next few years.
This is just a picture of the court house. I am really 'into' posting pictures with my blog entries.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A trip to Ann Arbor and Clare
Yesterday we drove down to Ann Arbor to get the botox treatments in my feet again. Bud decided to visit the Harley Davidson shop there to check out the merchandise. One of the guys in the local group told him that when visiting another town he should always go to the shop and check out the sale table.
Bud managed to find a few items that he needed. Here he is showing off his new jacket to Leo. We stopped in Clare on our way back and had dinner with Leo.

Leo's hair continues to grow. He said that this isn't the longest it has been but it is getting pretty long.
Leo gave the coat a try but it is too big. This isn't a leather coat but some other kind of fabric that will be cooler for summer wear and still provide padding that is needed.
Bud also bought this bright orange vest to wear when the traffic is heavy or at least that is what he said. I thought this was a good shot of the motorcycle guys.
Leo's hair continues to grow. He said that this isn't the longest it has been but it is getting pretty long.
Leo is doing well and it was good to see him. We haven't seen him since our houseboat trip. Things are quiet there and he continues to work the midnight shift which is a good shift to work in the hot summer.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday with the Cline/Noble families
Friday, July 23, 2010
My Ann Arbor trip
Well, my last post suggested that maybe I would just look and enjoy the sights of the art fair but I did not succeed. Maybe there is a 12 step program for 'Art Fair Addicts'. I think I would qualify under the sub-group of 'ring addicted'. However it is a fun addiction.
We left on Tuesday afternoon and made a few quilt store stops (another addiction). I have a couple baby quilts to make and thought I would go with a dots theme. It was fun finding these fabrics. I will show you the quilts when I get them done.
Wednesday morning we were up early and down to the start of the art show by 9:00 even though it doesn't open until 10:00. We had a nice breakfast downtown and began our busiest day of shopping.
I tried to get lots of treats for others, gifts to be handed out at another time. These lovely little toys twirl and look cute. Maybe 3 little girls I know will get them some time.
This bowl is a wedding gift. I liked the colors and the fact that it is kind of neutral. It is a nice big bowl and can be used for many things besides just looking nice.
This is a baking dish for another gift. I also liked the color and the versatility of this dish.
I love to visit a place there called Ten Thousand Villages. I found this cute little set of finger puppets that I will give Molly's daughter, Cora for her birthday or maybe just for a treat. Cora is a very creative little girl and loves to make up stories.
I found this photo there too and liked the 'dimensional' aspects of this piece. If you look closely you will see that the matting has a blurred photo of the one on top. I don't have a home for this one just yet but I'm sure that I will find some place for it. I liked this artists different approach to matting and photos.
I like irises and this is one of my favorite artists. This is a cracker and cheese set. It looks very nice don't you think?

And now for the things that I bought for myself. I just couldn't resist this ring. It is a Mother of Pearl even though the bigger ring looks kind of pink it is really white. The setting is silver and just a nice piece. This artist had a lot of pieces that were reversible although this one is not. He was a nice artist and I liked his work. Kathy bought a pair of ear rings for him.
This is another ring that I bought. (sorry for the old and wrinkled fingers but it is hard to photograph rings.) This artist did a great job of putting designs and texture all the way around his ring. I like the added touch of a bit of gold on the front.
We left on Tuesday afternoon and made a few quilt store stops (another addiction). I have a couple baby quilts to make and thought I would go with a dots theme. It was fun finding these fabrics. I will show you the quilts when I get them done.
And now for the things that I bought for myself. I just couldn't resist this ring. It is a Mother of Pearl even though the bigger ring looks kind of pink it is really white. The setting is silver and just a nice piece. This artist had a lot of pieces that were reversible although this one is not. He was a nice artist and I liked his work. Kathy bought a pair of ear rings for him.
I haven't done a 'ring count' since returning home but probably should do that. I am also giving a lot of thought to cleaning out some of my collection and passing them on to others so don't be surprised if now and then a package arrives with a ring in it for a few of you. It will be like sharing old friends with you.
I bought a few more things but that is enough pictures. It was a great trip. My feet hurt but I was still able to keep going.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SARA. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Ann Arbor Art Fair
I'm traveling again today. Kathy and I are taking our annual trip to Ann Arbor to check out what is new in the art world. I don't have anything in mind to buy this year but usually something hits me as a 'must buy' so I will keep my eyes and mind open. I am into collecting memories not things lately so maybe this year I will come back with fun memories but no 'finds' ( YAH, sure, do you really believe that????)
The art fair is always a weather challenge too. It is usually very hot and humid along with the crowds. We have our usual spots to visit and many artists to check up on and see what they are offering new this year. I will post a few pictures of any new treats that I find.
The art fair is always a weather challenge too. It is usually very hot and humid along with the crowds. We have our usual spots to visit and many artists to check up on and see what they are offering new this year. I will post a few pictures of any new treats that I find.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Bud's biker weekend
This Saturday and today, Sunday, Bud participated in a charity bike 'run'. A local charity called Father Fred after a very popular Catholic priest sponsored two bike runs to raise money. Bud had a good time both days.
Saturday he rode with a group of friends on what was called a "Poker Run". They rode through the surrounding counties, picking up cards at 5 different stops. In the end they were suppose to have some kind of poker hand. Bud went with about 9 different friends and their wives. It was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine. After they finished the bikers parked their bikes on two blocks of Front Street downtown for a final little 'rally'. I met them downtown after the run. It was packed with lots of bikes lining the street. This is just a little section of the group.
I thought I would take a few pictures of 'The Man". He had a good time. How do you like the 'dew rag' (I really don't have any idea if that is how it is spelled but that is how you pronounce it!)

Some friends snapped this picture of the two of us. This was really the first time I had even tried to get on the back of the bike.
Today he took another ride out the Old Mission Peninsula and back with the whole group of bikers. Their 'parade' was about 2 miles long. I could hear them going out the peninsula down Center Road by just the roar of the bikes. I also heard them come back Peninsula Drive down at the bottom of the hill. Afterwards there was breakfast/lunch for the group.
He had a good time.
Some friends snapped this picture of the two of us. This was really the first time I had even tried to get on the back of the bike.
He had a good time.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friends and baseball
Wednesday was a busy day for me. I met my friend Molly and her daughter Cora for lunch. Molly was one of my students when she was in 1st grade and then taught with me across the hall many years. I really enjoy spending time with her. I helped in her classroom this past year.
Cora will be 3 at the end of October. She is such a sweet little girl. I LOVE to see her as much as her Mommy. We had a great lunch and caught up on all things "Kingsley" and all things "Cora". Molly is expecting her second baby at the end of August and she is looking great. They asked me to do her 'long term sub job' but I declined while laughing. I can't imagine starting the school year with a new class, doing all the things that are required for a new school year, and working for a whole marking period which would conclude with Parent/Teacher Conferences. That would be my worst nightmare.
Anyway, I sure enjoyed my time with the 2 of them and will continue to help Molly next school year after she is back from her maternity leave.
After lunch Bud and I jumped in the car and drove to Chicago where he had a conference. I spent much of the day on Thursday shopping on Michigan Ave. Our hotel was right on Michigan Ave but about a mile from the 'prime' shopping areas. SO, this country girl managed to get a cab and go north to do my shopping. I had a great time in the Watertower Shops and then walked quite a way down Michigan Ave, shopping as I walked. After a heavy stop at Crate and Barrel I managed to hail another cab and head back to the hotel. It was a successful shopping trip.
In the late afternoon I met up with Bud's group and we took the public transit system to a Cubs game. It was a HOT day and there was a nice breeze blowing across the field. We had seats in the shade so we enjoyed the pre-game activities and relaxed.
It was a great game with lots of excitement. The final score was 12-6 with the Cubs winning. There was a lot of scoring in the first few innings and then a lot of activity but not as much scoring. We decided to leave after the beginning of the 8th because the score was 6-2 with the Cubs ahead. As you can tell by the final score a lot more activity happened in the last part of the game. We decided to leave a bit early to beat the rush on the subway so we missed that activity. It was a fun evening though.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Baseball and Chicago
Well, Leo reminded me the other day that I have been home for the last couple of weekends SO, I decided to take Bud up on his offer to go to Chicago with him. He has a conference on Thursday and Friday which includes a baseball game on Thursday night. Originally I had declined the invitation because I thought that he would be staying out near the airport and that is a long way from the downtown activities. I found out that he is staying in a hotel downtown so I will spend my days wandering around downtown Chicago and the evening watching a baseball game. The last time I went to a professional major league game I went with about 100 fourth grade students from Kingsley. I taught 4th grade one year and that was their field trip at the end of the year. I am guessing that this will be more fun. Anyway, we are leaving this afternoon and will be back on Friday. Enjoy the rest of the week.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Sports car "Chick"
In the morning we went over to watch the Cherry Festival parade at the house of some friends. They have a wide front porch right on the parade route and host a party every year. We left before the parade was over. Sorry, I forgot to take any pictures.
Then we headed to visit some friends that have a cottage on Lake Charlovix which is north of here. We were able to take the back roads and give the sports car a workout. It was a nice ride. We sat on the beach and visited with them for the afternoon and then went out to dinner. It was nice to catch up with them. The ride home was equally nice, we arrived just as the sun was setting over East Bay. I took the above photo from the moving car but I thought it looked kind of "artistic" so I included it in the post. I also thought you might enjoy a little picture of the sports car and ME. I am wearing those shorts I mentioned earlier. I have been thinking a LOT lately about my age so I thought I should try NOT dressing my age for a while without being too obscene.
Today will be a quiet day at home however it sure looks beautiful outside so maybe another ride in the sports car will be necessary this afternoon. Cherry Festival is over and maybe the crowds have diminished.Saturday, July 10, 2010
Red Sky in the evening
Yes, we made it out for a wonderful sail last evening. For those of you that know the area, this is Red 8. It isn't a very good picture because I was taking it into the sun.
We have sailed past Red 8 with many of you. Good memories.
Larry and Kathy Angove joined us for an evening sail. We were on the boat by a little after 6. The breeze was light but refreshing. We had sandwiches from Mary's Kitchen Port and a little champagne.

Bud and Larry took turns driving the boat. I just took pictures and helped when needed. That is the chore of a 1st Mate.
I thought I would take this little picture for those of you that have sat in that bow either trying to catch a few waves over you or sleeping like David could do so well.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Today I decided that I am going for the frivolous post but decided to go without the picture since I am not especially fond of my knees. I know you are wondering where this is going......WELL, I was in the shower this morning and decided it was time to shave my legs a task that I don't enjoy that much. I usually just shave my lower legs because I only wear capri pants now since I am a little older and I think they look best. I decided to break that rule of wearing capri pants the other day and bought a new pair of white shorts that go to my knees. I like that look and have been looking at it on people the last few years. I went to our local department store that is ALWAYS running a sale and spent a whole $14 on a pair of white longer shorts. They will go with the $12 nice but a little skimpy top I wore on the houseboat. I think it will look great, I am just a little worried about that look on someone my age but I am 'going for it'. ANYWAY, now I have to shave my knees and a bit above them so that those little furry hairs don't stick out too much in the sunshine.
I warned you that this is a frivolous post but now and then you must laugh at life and enjoy yourself. Of course, now that I have spent a whole $14 on a pair of longer white shorts the styles will change. I am always about 2 years behind the style but at least I'm not wearing pants with elastic waist bands and matching tops and bottoms.
I warned you that this is a frivolous post but now and then you must laugh at life and enjoy yourself. Of course, now that I have spent a whole $14 on a pair of longer white shorts the styles will change. I am always about 2 years behind the style but at least I'm not wearing pants with elastic waist bands and matching tops and bottoms.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Happy birthday David
Eva, David, Sara,Leo, Erik, Matt, Diana, Jessica and Doug have all been on my mind today, David's birthday. I was wondering what I would post today that would even express "David" and his essence. Well, I got to looking though my photo albums and found this picture of the 4 of us. David invited Bud and me to go with him and Eva to NYC one summer. It was a business trip for David but he found time to join us on our city tour atop the 'double decker' bus. I remember it REALLY rained later that day. We went to see "Miss Saigon" on Broadway during that trip. We went out to see the Statue of Liberty AND we ate dinner at the top of the World Trade Center.
We were a bit younger then but it was a good time, the 4 of us. We have many great memories of David but this is just the one I decided to share today.
Happy Birthday, David.
Happy Birthday, David.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
4th of July celebrations
We spent our 4th of July participating in pretty 'usual' activities. We relaxed around the house in the morning. In the afternoon we finally decided to get out and see the Cherry Festival activities. As we were fighting the traffic to make it to the car show some friends called and invited us to a baseball game. We accepted and gladly left the traffic for a typical American activity. It was a fun evening, watching the Traverse City Beach Bums win a game. Then we stopped by the Yacht Club for a short visit but passed up the fireworks because of the crowds. We did see a bit of the sights through the trees here at our house. It was kind an "Old Folks" holiday but we were happy.
I remember spending my most unusual 4th of July in Belgium in the summer of 1977. That was the summer that I backpacked through Europe. We 'splurged' and ate out that night. We had Chinese food for dinner. No one else was celebrating the holiday. I am sure that Erik has spent some unusual 4th holidays in some unusual places.
Eva spent the 4th in Iowa with David's family. I am glad that she was able to drive out and visit them. Sara and Leo spent their holiday in Kentucky with Leo's family. I'm not sure about the rest of the family.
How about you?? How did you spend your holiday???
I remember spending my most unusual 4th of July in Belgium in the summer of 1977. That was the summer that I backpacked through Europe. We 'splurged' and ate out that night. We had Chinese food for dinner. No one else was celebrating the holiday. I am sure that Erik has spent some unusual 4th holidays in some unusual places.
Eva spent the 4th in Iowa with David's family. I am glad that she was able to drive out and visit them. Sara and Leo spent their holiday in Kentucky with Leo's family. I'm not sure about the rest of the family.
How about you?? How did you spend your holiday???
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Cherry Festival Fun
Yesterday we went to watch the Navy Blue Angels. We usually don't watch it from the beach but we went with some friends and walked down to the downtown beach to watch. Watching the Blue Angels is usually a HOT activity at the beach and yesterday was no exception. The sand was so hot that walking without shoes was too hard on my feet. 
It is hard to catch a good shot of the planes as they fly by. I tried and this is my best success.

We have participated in this activity for many years with many different friends and family members. Sometimes we watch from the Yacht Club. Years in the past we have ventured out on our boat but the observation areas are pretty restricted. Leo and Josh would always come up to watch them every year they came. Good memories. 
Friday, July 2, 2010
Cleaning and banking
Today is a day of doing chores that I have put off for a LONG time. My house really needed cleaning AND I need to reconcile a couple of months of my checking account and the Visa statement. I hate both chores but decided to tackle the cleaning first. I did a fairly good job of hitting the highlights. That is one chore that really isn't fun but must be done. Several years ago we gave up our cleaning lady because it seemed like a big waste of money. That was a good decision but I still hate the chore.
Banking is another chore that I dislike. I haven't reconciled my checking account for several months and know that I need to get at it. The Visa statement has been sitting on the table for a couple of days too. I don't know if I will have the ambition to do both of them this afternoon or if I just escape to the sewing room and work there.
Speaking of banking, Bud has been experiencing a string of bad luck lately. I received a call from our credit card company yesterday and it seems that he has been buying some things in Saudi Arabia. I don't know how he made it there and back in one day but he managed. SO that credit card was cancelled and another one is on the way. I hope that things coming is threes doesn't apply here.
As I am posting this, the Navy Blue Angels are practicing over Grand Traverse Bay. This noise has been going on for THREE days and the show isn't until tomorrow. It is getting a bit old. My best story about the Blue Angels comes from Eva and David. One summer they were driving into Traverse City as the Blue Angels were performing or practicing. They thought that we were under attack. I do have some good memories of the performance though. Leo and Josh always came to visit when they were in town. I even remember Mom and Dad made it up one time for a performance.
Such are the ramblings from Me today. I hope you enjoy your weekend.
Banking is another chore that I dislike. I haven't reconciled my checking account for several months and know that I need to get at it. The Visa statement has been sitting on the table for a couple of days too. I don't know if I will have the ambition to do both of them this afternoon or if I just escape to the sewing room and work there.
Speaking of banking, Bud has been experiencing a string of bad luck lately. I received a call from our credit card company yesterday and it seems that he has been buying some things in Saudi Arabia. I don't know how he made it there and back in one day but he managed. SO that credit card was cancelled and another one is on the way. I hope that things coming is threes doesn't apply here.
As I am posting this, the Navy Blue Angels are practicing over Grand Traverse Bay. This noise has been going on for THREE days and the show isn't until tomorrow. It is getting a bit old. My best story about the Blue Angels comes from Eva and David. One summer they were driving into Traverse City as the Blue Angels were performing or practicing. They thought that we were under attack. I do have some good memories of the performance though. Leo and Josh always came to visit when they were in town. I even remember Mom and Dad made it up one time for a performance.
Such are the ramblings from Me today. I hope you enjoy your weekend.
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