Friday, July 9, 2010


Today I decided that I am going for the frivolous post but decided to go without the picture since I am not especially fond of my knees. I know you are wondering where this is going......WELL, I was in the shower this morning and decided it was time to shave my legs a task that I don't enjoy that much. I usually just shave my lower legs because I only wear capri pants now since I am a little older and I think they look best. I decided to break that rule of wearing capri pants the other day and bought a new pair of white shorts that go to my knees. I like that look and have been looking at it on people the last few years. I went to our local department store that is ALWAYS running a sale and spent a whole $14 on a pair of white longer shorts. They will go with the $12 nice but a little skimpy top I wore on the houseboat. I think it will look great, I am just a little worried about that look on someone my age but I am 'going for it'. ANYWAY, now I have to shave my knees and a bit above them so that those little furry hairs don't stick out too much in the sunshine.

I warned you that this is a frivolous post but now and then you must laugh at life and enjoy yourself. Of course, now that I have spent a whole $14 on a pair of longer white shorts the styles will change. I am always about 2 years behind the style but at least I'm not wearing pants with elastic waist bands and matching tops and bottoms.

1 comment:

  1. Oh c'mon and put'chur beautiful knees up here....they deserve a little moment of glory ;)
