Well, I needed a scarf to go along with my purple gloves and hat. I looked and looked but really couldn't find the right color. I finally decided to try my hand at knitting again. I remember learning to knit in 4-H but that was a while ago. It took a feaw tries but I finally got the hang of it and this is as far as I have gotten. It is a good thing to do while watching TV or things like that. Knitting today isn't an inexpensive hobby though. I guess I just have expensive tastes but this yarn looks good. The one nice thing is that you can do a project over if you don't like it. This is my third try at the scarf. I kept making it too wide. Of course the wider it is the more yarn it takes. Anyway, I continue to find ways to fill in my time.
That's pretty :) There's a shop close by called the Yarn Basket if you are in need of more pretty stuff while you're on the Outer Cape :)