Yes, snow does make a sound in N. Michigan. I awoke this morning a little before 5 to the sound of the snowplow. The first thing you hear is the big sound of the dropping of the plow blade right next to the house. Then there is the sound of scraping across the driveway. This sound is repeated several times until you are sure that you are awake. I tried to get back to sleep but the day ahead of me kept coming into my conscious so I decided that must be a message to get up. The house is silent and the coffee is good. It does feel good to be back in our own space. BUT when Bud and I climbed into bed last night it did seem strange too. We have been gone for more than a month and it seems like we were in another world for that time. It is a strange feeling, kind of like we lost some time. In a way we did lose some "Michigan time" but gained "world time". I'm not sure that makes much sense but we have this experience that we share with each other and a bunch of other people from all around the U.S. It is a bit like having "another life" for a short time. I like the feeling of being back in my 'Michigan life' but am a little nostalgic for that other life. Confusing?
We had perfect connections from Miami yesterday. We had a long layover in Detroit and an on time connection to TC. Walt picked us up and OUR LUGGAGE ARRIVED WITH US. I am always excited when my luggage arrives with me. It's the little things in life that make me happy.
On the way home from the airport I was struck by the CHRISTMAS decorations. We didn't see very many decorations in S. America. Now, they did have some out but not like here where everyone decorates their houses and the shopping need is obvious. I am kind of glad that we missed that. I did most of my shopping before I left but will need to get the last minute things in the next few days.
Like I said we have snow on the ground here. I guess they had quite a storm last week. I will need to get in the winter driving groove. We have snow in the forecast for the next few days and the temps are cold.
I left my "fall/Thanksgiving" decorations out here at the house. I'm not sure that I will put out many Christmas decorations this year. It will depend on how much time I have and how inspired I become. We will get our tree up as soon as possible but that will take a bit of time. Christmas will just be low key for us this year.
It was great to hear voices the past few days. I have been catching up slowly and will continue to make contact. Thanks for following along with our adventure. It sure beats working.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
We landed in Miami yesterday morning (Sunday) and all of our luggage came with us. That is always a good sign. Our plane laned about 6 and we made it though customs and all that stuff at the airport quite quickly. We said good-by once more to the last of the people that flew with us to Miami and headed off for our hotel. We had an early checkin so we brushed our teeth and were in bed by about 9:30. We slept until about 2 and then decided it was time to get up. That was when we started calling family. It was good to talk to some of you and catch up on things going on in the family. We have really enjoyed this blogging thing. I haven't decided if I will continue or not but am thinking about it. It was kind of difficult to make postings on the ship because we had to pay a LOT for a connection so I didn't get very poetic or have time to look over my spelling very well. It was so great to get comments from many of you from time to time. I felt a little isolated away from family that long.
We decided that we needed to take a short walk so we walked along this road that the hotel is on, looking for a place to eat, The place we were looking for was closed so we walked back to the hotel and their shuttle bus took us to another place to eat. We then came back to the hotel and watched a little Suday evening TV. I was asleep by 9 and we are both well rested this morning.
We have come to a couple of conclusiions regarding long term traveling. I'm not too sure that we will do another trip that is this long. We won't do another ocean crossing either. We will need to spend some time talking to Sara and Leo regarding how to travel for longer periods and not get 'travel weary'.
Our plane leaves around 1 this afternoon. We have a layover in Detroit and will be home aboout 8 tonight. We have LOTS of dirty laundry and I am sure that will keep me busy for a few days. I am looking forward to doing some 'ordinary' things but will miss having my bed made and then turned down in the evening. I don't think that Bud is planning to put chocolates on my pillow every night. I also don't think that I will cook such great meals and serve Bud like they did on the ship. A little culture shock may be in order for the two of is.
We had a terrific time. I am excited to share other parts of our trip with many of you at Christmas. Others of you I think that I will put more on the blog when I settle in at home.
We decided that we needed to take a short walk so we walked along this road that the hotel is on, looking for a place to eat, The place we were looking for was closed so we walked back to the hotel and their shuttle bus took us to another place to eat. We then came back to the hotel and watched a little Suday evening TV. I was asleep by 9 and we are both well rested this morning.
We have come to a couple of conclusiions regarding long term traveling. I'm not too sure that we will do another trip that is this long. We won't do another ocean crossing either. We will need to spend some time talking to Sara and Leo regarding how to travel for longer periods and not get 'travel weary'.
Our plane leaves around 1 this afternoon. We have a layover in Detroit and will be home aboout 8 tonight. We have LOTS of dirty laundry and I am sure that will keep me busy for a few days. I am looking forward to doing some 'ordinary' things but will miss having my bed made and then turned down in the evening. I don't think that Bud is planning to put chocolates on my pillow every night. I also don't think that I will cook such great meals and serve Bud like they did on the ship. A little culture shock may be in order for the two of is.
We had a terrific time. I am excited to share other parts of our trip with many of you at Christmas. Others of you I think that I will put more on the blog when I settle in at home.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Falkland island pictures

Cute penguins??? First of all I wanted to let you know that Bud is much better this morning. He slept very well and had breakfast. His temp is down to normal and he is 'resting' today. We have a slow day for our last day so he will watch a movie in the room and nap. The seas are MUCH more rough today so I may use some drugs to help with that myself. We are heading for the Begal Channel which will take us to our final destination tomorrow.
Yesterday we saw LOTS of penguins. Our hike in the morning took us past 4 kinds of penguins.
We are flying out some time in the afternoon tomorrow. We will arrive in Miami Sunday morning quite early and then we are spending the night there and flying out Monday morning. I hope the Michigan weather allows us to get home. I have been following the news a little bit and am aware that there has been quite a storm/blizzared in the mid-west. I am ready to be home but not quite ready for the snow. I think this will be my last post since we will be very busy tomorrow.
I have really enjoyed posting these messages and picking up your comments. I will sort through our pictures and share some of them with you when we get home.
I am looking forward to seeing many of you soon.
Much love
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Penguins, Penguins, Penguins
We saw 4 different kinds of penguins this morning. Our ship was at anchor in a small harbor and we took small boats into shore. Then we hiked a bit of a ways, past several kinds of penguins. I got a lot of good pictures but didn't get them ready to upload just yet. This afternoon our ship moved to a different small cove and we went ashore again. This hike was much farther and there weren't as many penguins. I went alone on the afternoon trip. Bud is feeling a little under the weather. I put him to bed with some tylonal and some Tamaflu that we brought along. He had a slightly elevated temp. and is tired. We have day at sea tomorrow and leave on Saturday. I'm not sure how much time I have left on this internet card and probably won't buy another one so this may be my last post. We continue to have a great time ( except for Bud now) but are looking forward to being home.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Falkland Islands
Well, we are in the Falkland Islands this morning. Bud got up about 5 and watched us come into port. We are VERY lucky because the seas are fairly calm. We are tied up at a pier so we will go into the town of Stanley this morning. We have two choices of tours this morning, a city tour or a nature walk. We decided to go on the city tour even though it is a very small city. We want to hear the history of the city and the islands. We have the afternoon free so we will stay in for lunch and then go on a walk by ourselves without a guide. Tomorrow we go to 2 different islands for bird and penguin watching. According to our guides the penguins come right up to the people so we should have some great pictures to pass on tomorrow night or the next day.
Thank you for the news from home. It was a nice surprise about Josh getting married. I am a happy aunt. We have just 3 more nights on the boat before the end of our trip. It sure has been a wonderful experience. We took lots of pictures so we will edit them before showing them. We both have cameras and since they are digital we just snap away.
I am making my post early this morning while Bud is taking his shower after his early morning time on deck. The weather is much cooler here, I think it is in the 40s or so. The sun was shining earlier but it is cloudy now. I hope it comes back out.
More pictures to come.
Thank you for the news from home. It was a nice surprise about Josh getting married. I am a happy aunt. We have just 3 more nights on the boat before the end of our trip. It sure has been a wonderful experience. We took lots of pictures so we will edit them before showing them. We both have cameras and since they are digital we just snap away.
I am making my post early this morning while Bud is taking his shower after his early morning time on deck. The weather is much cooler here, I think it is in the 40s or so. The sun was shining earlier but it is cloudy now. I hope it comes back out.
More pictures to come.
Monday, December 7, 2009
wildlife in patgonia

After whale watching yesterday we ate at a local diner. It was an OK meal but not our usual quality that we have here on our ship. We stayed in that city until about 11 last night and then took off for the Falkland Islands. We have 2 days at sea to the Falklands and then 2 days on the islands. We have been blessed with wonderful weather and the captain says that we should continue to have good weather so our stay at the Falklands should be nice.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
words from home
Thank you, thank you for the news from home. I am getting over my temporary homesickness. I am also excited about Erik being home for Christmas and the fact that it sounds like Matt and Diana are getting slowly closer to having their own home. I hope they have some pictures at Christmas. I also hope that everyone is feeling better. I feel in touch with many of you again.
Today we are at sea again, on our way to Puerto Madryn to see penguins and right whales. It seems that they were named right whales because they were the 'right whales' to kill by the early whalers. Yesterday we spent the afternoon in Mar Del Plata Argentina. It was a nice little resort town with the largest seashell museum possible. Last night we did some star gazing after dinner. We were able to see the Southern Cross. The nights are getting shorter and so it was the best night for star gazing. We also saw a whale a couple of days ago at sea. We should be seeing more animal and bird life as we move south. I am anxious to see penguins tomorrow. That should be fun. We have been whale watching before but this is the first time for penguins outside of a zoo. The weather has turned cooler but kind of like June in Michigan. I am getting to wear my long pants and sweaters now.
Well, that is about all for now. We have a lecture coming up soon. Love you all.
Today we are at sea again, on our way to Puerto Madryn to see penguins and right whales. It seems that they were named right whales because they were the 'right whales' to kill by the early whalers. Yesterday we spent the afternoon in Mar Del Plata Argentina. It was a nice little resort town with the largest seashell museum possible. Last night we did some star gazing after dinner. We were able to see the Southern Cross. The nights are getting shorter and so it was the best night for star gazing. We also saw a whale a couple of days ago at sea. We should be seeing more animal and bird life as we move south. I am anxious to see penguins tomorrow. That should be fun. We have been whale watching before but this is the first time for penguins outside of a zoo. The weather has turned cooler but kind of like June in Michigan. I am getting to wear my long pants and sweaters now.
Well, that is about all for now. We have a lecture coming up soon. Love you all.
Friday, December 4, 2009
home stretch
Well, we are on the home stretch of our journey. The weather has cooled off. We have a stop in Argentina this afternoon and then two days at sea to the Fulkland Islands. I am unsure of the spellings of those two places. I usually look them up but this is an 'impulse' posting. We have been gone a long time and I am getting a little 'homesick' but I am sure that it will pass. After the 2 days at sea the weather will get more exciting and we should see more wildlife. We just have 8 more days on the ship and a couple of traveling days. We have really enjoyed ever aspect of this trip and are looking forward to unusual wildlife and countryside of the more remote parts of the remaining of the trip.
Leave me a message or a reminder of home and I will bless you with more pictures.
Leave me a message or a reminder of home and I will bless you with more pictures.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I'm moving to Uruguay

Yesterday we had a wonderful trip to Punta Del Este Urugurary. I think that it is a city that I could live in. We went ouot tin the morning to visit the Sea Lions. A bumpy ride but great rewards at the end.
In the afternoon we went on a city tour and then to visit the house of a local artist. His house was very unusual.
Today we came int Montevideo in the morning. We did a city tour and I did a little shopping when we returned for lunch. Maybe some Christmas presents?????? It depends on what I am willing to give up. This afternoon we went wine tasting. Life is so tough for us.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
back at sea

Sunday we arrived in Santos which is a port city. We took the day tour up into Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo is an industrial city. We wanted to see this city and spend a bit of time inland. The bus trip was nice up through the mountains. It is interesting to see the country side. It was a rainy and overcast day and a Sunday so we didn't get out a lot. We ate lunch at a traditional BBQ. They have a large hot and cold buffett and then they come around with many different kinds of meat on a stick. They carve the meat off for you right at the table. It is a meat lovers heaven. This is the second time that we have indulged in this kind of dining but the newcomers to the boat needed a chance to experience the BBQ.
Monday we left Santos and are now on our way to Punta Del Este. We are spending 2 days traveling there. This stopping point wasn't in our plans but they added it when they canceled a couple of other stops. We will be going out in a little boat to a place caled Sea Wolf Island. We won't get off there but will be able to see the island. We will also explore the town.
Last night the waters became more bumpy. We really have been lucky with pretty calm seas. This morning we woke up to waves and the pounding of the ship against the waves. However, we were still able to eat breakfast outside on the deck. The temp. is a little cooler. Maybe we will start wearing our long pants soon.
We have only 11 more days left. That is hard to believe. We are still enjoying ourselves very much. I am also enjoying the time at sea a bit more. We won't have any long stretches at sea from now on, 2 days is our longest stretch. The lectures continue to be very interesting. I have managed to do a little 'trinket' shopping and managed to buy a few items for myself and others. Both of us are keeping busy at sea by reading. Bud continues to hold the record for the most massages on this trip. The fellow passengers are interesting and we have good mealtime conversations. Today we will be at sea and then on land tomorrow. I will try to continue to update you with pictures and maybe a bit more wildlife as we go south.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Enjoy the views.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Yesterday we found land again and went ashore in Salvador Brazil. It was great to be standing on land once again. The 6 day ocean crossing was nice and relaxing but you can only fill the days with a few lectues, massages (Bud is up to 5 so far but I have only had 1. He enjoys them more than me.) and reading. The city was very beautiful. We went to 2 churches in the morning. They were both spectacular. One of them was filled with gold leaf carvings. We decided that we couldn't post too many pictures on the blog since the connection is very slow. (They give us free alachol but we have to pay for the internet connection) Today I chose this picture of Bud. There were these wonderful dancing ladies in the square and if you pay them a dollar they will let you take their picture. In the evening we had a whole dance troupe come on the boat and entertain us for about an hour. It was a very good performance. Many more of these ladies danced and sang for us. We also had some men dancing for us. It was a wonderful way to end the day.
We are looking forward to a couple of more days in Reo and Sao Polo after the next two days at sea. The weather is HOT here and I am running out of hot weather clothing. I am beginning to think that I brought too many clothes for cold weather. The laundry lady is saving us.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I haven't heard what we are going to do but I know it won't include football. We do have TV reception but all we get is Fox News. I guess that signal is free but no one watches it. We do get a movie in the late evening but usually we don't watch that either. I told our cruise managers that they should try to get some signal that includes football for the afternoon on Thursday. Enjoy the parades and games. Don't eat too much turkey.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Kiss the fish ceremony

We have been at sea for our 6th day today. I am getting a little restless here at sea. I will be VERY glad to be on land tomorrow. We had an itinary that only put us 4 days at sea to cross the Atlantic. Bud has been filling his time reading and getting massages. I think that he has the record number of massages this trip so far and is planning more. He has also been walking around the deck. He tries to walk for about 30 minutes. He has been very good at this plan. We both have been doing a lot of reading. The seas have been fairly smooth with some bumpy days. Today is a very smooth day.
Tomorrow we come to port at Salavador, Brazil. We have a full day of sight seeing on our agenda. It is mostly by bus and out walking around some. We are really looking forward to being on land again. I am glad that we have crossed the Atlantic this one time but don't think we will be signing up for it again. We did find out that the alacholic drinks are free with this trip so we have enjoyed a nice cocktail time in the evening.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
at sea
Today we have another day at sea. We crossed over the equator about 1:00 am. There were special ceremonies this morning to celebrate that crossing. I will try to get some pictures to share with you at a later date. We should see some islands this afternoon but still have a couple more days at sea before a port.
Friday, November 20, 2009
birthday wishes
Today we are at sea again. It has been a quiet day. It rained this morning but we were still able to eat our breakfast out on the back deck. We have breakfast and lunch outside ever day we are on the ship. They are both buffet meals but very good. It is always difficult to make it past the dessert tray before leaving at lunch. We have decided to limit ourselves to one dessert a day and that usually comes with our evening meal. The food is very delicious at all meals. The evening meal could be at least 5 courses if you let yourself choose from every course. I try to limit myself to a salad and the main course. We have choices in every course too. I think that I must do my most decision making at meal times. I will try to take a picture or two of some of the meals and pass them along.
I enjoy reading all the comments that people put on the blog. Sara, I thought you might know of that author, that is why I mentioned his name.
I wanted to send out a post for all my birthday friends. So Happy Birthday to my friends Molly and Kathy. I hope they both had wonderful birthdays. It is a little early to wish my dear sister a Happy Birthday but I will do that anyway. I will be thinking of her on her birthday.
We had a few changes on our itinary so we will be at sea at least a day longer. Our first stop in Brazil has been cancelled so we will go a bit farther south to a town I think is called Santago or something like that. Several people were very disappointed that we didn't get to stop in Raffiti or what ever that first town was. I really hadn't researched the route too much so I don't know what we are missing.
More pictures will come when we reach land.
I enjoy reading all the comments that people put on the blog. Sara, I thought you might know of that author, that is why I mentioned his name.
I wanted to send out a post for all my birthday friends. So Happy Birthday to my friends Molly and Kathy. I hope they both had wonderful birthdays. It is a little early to wish my dear sister a Happy Birthday but I will do that anyway. I will be thinking of her on her birthday.
We had a few changes on our itinary so we will be at sea at least a day longer. Our first stop in Brazil has been cancelled so we will go a bit farther south to a town I think is called Santago or something like that. Several people were very disappointed that we didn't get to stop in Raffiti or what ever that first town was. I really hadn't researched the route too much so I don't know what we are missing.
More pictures will come when we reach land.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The arts

This volcanic island is rugged but a little green after a recent rain.

We stopped at one of the Cape Verde islands and had a bus tour around the island. This is a typical home with a garden.

Today we are at sea and the theme is the Arts. This morning we had a talk by a fellow passenger about how to make sketches for your travel journal. Later in the morning our photographer and his wife showed us their pictures from their travels around the world. We are learning a lot about good photography while on this cruise. Yesterday our photographer helped us with our individual pictures so that we can become better photographers. This afternoon we have a travel author named Peter Mathiessen that will read to us portions of his travel journals. They do a wonderful job of filling in the time between the meals and cocktails. Bud and I are both enjoying our 'down time' by reading. Yesterday Bud took a nice walk around the deck for 30 minutes. I watched him and the sea to make sure that he didn't go overboard. He planned to walk again today but the rain has kept him inside. Even though it has rained a couple of times today it is still very warm. We continue to enjoy every minute of our trip. The people and conversations are facinating even though we seem to be about the youngest couple on the boat. I have already finished one book, passed it on to a fellow passenger, and have my next one ready to read. Relaxing and lectures fill our days.
I am ready with some pictures of our time on Cape Verde. The island was quite dry but there had recently been some rain so the green against the mountains was nice. We had a bit of fog at the highest point. We spent a great day in the small city too.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Cape Verde
We had 2 great days at sea and then came to Cape Verde islands. They are located just off the coast of Africa. Yesterday we had an afternoon bus tour around one of the islands. We took MANY pictures but haven't had tome to look them over carefully for the good ones to post. In the evening we moved to another island and docked for the night. Today we had a day on our own. We went into town in the morning and walked around. We came back to the ship for lunch and the took the bus to the beach this afternoon. We had enough sun this morning so we didn't stay at the beach. We have the next 5-6 days at sea so we will have some good lectures and will have time to edit our pictures and send out a message.
We continue to have a great time. It is almost unureal that we have only been on vacation for one week and still have almost 4 weeks before we have to come home.
Hope to have some pictures ready tomorrow evening.
We continue to have a great time. It is almost unureal that we have only been on vacation for one week and still have almost 4 weeks before we have to come home.
Hope to have some pictures ready tomorrow evening.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
quiet sunday at sea
Today we had a quiet day at sea. We had a morning geography lesson, a wonderful lunch and both Bud and I had a massage this afternoon. It is margaritta night here so we will try to enjoy ourselves. Tomorrow we arrive in Cape Verde and tour the islands for the next two days. We will be pretty busy during the day but will have time to post now and then. We will pick up some more pictures.
Sara asked if we could see land from the boat. No, we are too far out to see land but the sound of the ocean and the breezes are very nice. The boat has a relaxing movement so we have really been relaxing. Bud and I don't usually take such long vacations so this is the first one that we have really had time to relax.
Off for the evening.
Sara asked if we could see land from the boat. No, we are too far out to see land but the sound of the ocean and the breezes are very nice. The boat has a relaxing movement so we have really been relaxing. Bud and I don't usually take such long vacations so this is the first one that we have really had time to relax.
Off for the evening.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
more pictures

Friday, November 13, 2009
Blessed 2
Yesterday I titled my post Blessed and then promptly forgot to follow up on that theme. I feel very blessed that I am able to come on this wonderful trip. I never would have imagined this when I was little. We are both relaxing and enjoying ourselves
Today was our first touring day on land. We went to a town on the coast of Morocco called Laayoune. It is a desert community with not a lot of development. We went to a Spanish fort and an oasis in the morning. There were traditional dancers and musicians at the oasis. Then we stopped for a little shopping at a silver store. Bud did most of the walking around and I did some good shopping. We had a great lunch at a hotel and then did some walking on the dunes.
Bud is working on the computer to get some pictures but we haven't managed to get them to you yet.
The next 2 days we will be at sea with only books and lectures to entertain us so I promise that pictures will be coming soon even though I know that I have promised them many times.
We are getting a good mixture of traveling and seeing the sights so far but of course this is really only our 3rd day.
I am really enjoying the people, conversations, food and sights.
Today was our first touring day on land. We went to a town on the coast of Morocco called Laayoune. It is a desert community with not a lot of development. We went to a Spanish fort and an oasis in the morning. There were traditional dancers and musicians at the oasis. Then we stopped for a little shopping at a silver store. Bud did most of the walking around and I did some good shopping. We had a great lunch at a hotel and then did some walking on the dunes.
Bud is working on the computer to get some pictures but we haven't managed to get them to you yet.
The next 2 days we will be at sea with only books and lectures to entertain us so I promise that pictures will be coming soon even though I know that I have promised them many times.
We are getting a good mixture of traveling and seeing the sights so far but of course this is really only our 3rd day.
I am really enjoying the people, conversations, food and sights.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
We are spending the day at sea today so I will give you a little background on our wonderful trip. We have terrific hotel sized rooms. I was VERY surprised at the size as I was expecting just enough room to walk around. I will send a picture later or you may be able to check the link that Bud gave earlier. I am not as accomplished at sending pictures yet. The food is equally terrific. It will be a challenge to not overeat. There are many choices and wonderful servers tempting us to taste the desserts and treats.
We are probably the youngest people on the boat other than the staff. I was a little afraid of being able to keep up with some of the walking but at least I don't have a cane or walker. This gives me 'heart' that I will still be able to travel when I am in my 80s. It is just a matter of choosing what you want to do I am sure. Some of the people are with a group called Elderhostel. So far all of the people are very interesting though. There is a lot to learn from this group.
Speaking of learning, this is a learning trip too. This morning we met the lecture staff which include a photography expert, a geologist, someone from the Auduban Society, and a cultural expert. This morning we heard a great lecture about how to take better pictures. It was very interesting. I don't think that I have to worry about not having enough books. They will keep us very busy with new topics every day.
I am out of topics for today but will try to check in as often as possible. I am loving this.
We are probably the youngest people on the boat other than the staff. I was a little afraid of being able to keep up with some of the walking but at least I don't have a cane or walker. This gives me 'heart' that I will still be able to travel when I am in my 80s. It is just a matter of choosing what you want to do I am sure. Some of the people are with a group called Elderhostel. So far all of the people are very interesting though. There is a lot to learn from this group.
Speaking of learning, this is a learning trip too. This morning we met the lecture staff which include a photography expert, a geologist, someone from the Auduban Society, and a cultural expert. This morning we heard a great lecture about how to take better pictures. It was very interesting. I don't think that I have to worry about not having enough books. They will keep us very busy with new topics every day.
I am out of topics for today but will try to check in as often as possible. I am loving this.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
at Sea
We made it and so did our luggage. We are VERY tired but have just finished our first fantastic dinner. We left Casablanca this afternoon and are on our way down the coast of Africa. We will have a day at sea tomorrow to catch up and relax. The ship is wonderful. Our rooms are very large for a ship. I will send pictures tomorrow but am just too tired to do more tonight.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
New York
We made it to NY yesterday afternoon and so did our luggage:) I am always a happy traveler when my luggage arrives with me. We arrived about 4:00 here in our hotel and decided to just stay here at the hotel instead of trying to go into the city. We are beginning to relax because the first thing that we did after checking in was to take a nice long nap. We are staying at the Ramada at the airport and it is a pretty tired old hotel but that is fine with us. The rooms are clean and we are close to the airport. We had an OK dinner here at the bar and were to bed early even after the afternoon nap. I checked in with Jessica and Leo just to bide some time. This morning we had our quiet and expensive breakfast here at the hotel and are waiting for check out time. We have a late checkout because we really don't have to be at the airport until about 4 this afternoon. Our flight is at 6 this evening. We will meet our group at the airport and all fly together tonight. We are in the phase of our travels where you "hurry up and then wait". We wanted to arrive here a day early because we didn't want to miss our connections. We have experienced too many travel difficulties in the past and didn't want to try to make the trip from TC all in one day. That is all for now. I know this posting is a little boring but not too much is happening with us yet. HOWEVER, we are very excited and really looking forward to this wonderful adventure.
See you on the radio.
See you on the radio.
Monday, November 9, 2009
The bags are packed. We're ready to go. The taxi's waiting outside the door. I hate to wake you up to say good-bye. I have been singing that song in my head since yesterday. I can't remember who wrote it or sang it but it is stuck there. The bags are really packed and we are leaving in about an hour. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to put one more silly post on this blog. You will probably be able to tell the difference between our postings. Bud posted the link to our boat and the intinary. I am posting songs. :) Anyway, we are SOOOOOO excited and ready. I found out last night (by reading our materials they sent us some months ago) that we will have internet service on the boat but it may be a little 'spotty' while we are at sea. I must go now because Bud keeps asking me questions and I need to finish up. I love you and am looking forward to the relaxing time with my wonderful husband.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Corinthian II
You can see pictures of the cruise ship by visiting the following website:
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
farmhouse picture
Well, I am still practicing how to upload pictures so I thought this one would be a good practice/memory. That is Jessica sitting on the front porch this fall when we wre there visiting the farm. That old house hold a lot of memories. Mom and Dad sat on that front porch looking out at the world. You may notice that the decorations on the front porch posts have been removed. Eva and Jessica have them now at their homes so a little bit of the farm continues through the family.
Now for the trees, we have all climbed those trees and looked out on the world from the lofty branches. That view of the world will live within each one of us even when the physical view is no longer ours.
I think there is no more beautiful place than sitting on the front porch or perched in the tree. The world is a more peaceful and quiet place from those two vantage points.
Well, Sara, how am I doing with the 'poetry' part of blogging?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
October 28,
I just wanted to let you know that I think that you must have a gmail account to leave us posts on this site. You can still view our posts without a gmail account but if you want to leave a comment you need an account. I think that there is a way to join when you view our posts. I am excited about having this available for everyone to check and leave comments.
I won't be as poetic as Sara but it will be fun.
I just wanted to let you know that I think that you must have a gmail account to leave us posts on this site. You can still view our posts without a gmail account but if you want to leave a comment you need an account. I think that there is a way to join when you view our posts. I am excited about having this available for everyone to check and leave comments.
I won't be as poetic as Sara but it will be fun.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Starting out
October 27, 2009
Well, I have managed to set up this blog with Bud's constant help. This will be the blog that we use for our trip. I hope to update it as often as possible while we are traveling on our cruise. We are both getting VERY excited about the trip. We are down to the 'crunch time' and trying to wrap up everything before leaving. I will keep you all posted.
Well, I have managed to set up this blog with Bud's constant help. This will be the blog that we use for our trip. I hope to update it as often as possible while we are traveling on our cruise. We are both getting VERY excited about the trip. We are down to the 'crunch time' and trying to wrap up everything before leaving. I will keep you all posted.
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